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[59] For the Phoenician temple of Aphrodite at Paphos see Gardner E. in J. H. S. ix. 193-215, Dyer p. 305 f. For the repetition of ἐς cf. note on h. Apoll. 439. It does not appear in Od. 8.362. The inelegancy “θυώδεαθυώδης” is also due to the imitator. βωμός τε θυώδης following “θυώδεα νηόν” draws special attention to the incense, which was a prominent feature of the Paphian templecult; cf. Verg. Aen.i. 415 f. ipsa Paphum sublimis alit, sedesque revisit

laeta suas: ubi templum illi centumque Sabaeo
ture calent arae sertisque recentibus halant.

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