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[346] Since neither “ἑκτός” sixth, “ἑκτός” from “ἔχω”, nor “ἐκτός” (=“outsider,” Aristoph. and Plato) can be entertained, and a connexion with “ἐχθός” = “ἐχθρός” (Wackernagel K. Z. xxxiii. 40, 41) is improbable, Bothe's “ δεκτός” seems the slightest and most satisfactory correction. “δεκτός” appears not to be found before the N. T. (see Stephanus), and is always passive (as Bothe intended it). That verbals of deponents may be active, however, appears from the exx. in K. B. ii. 289 (“μεμπτός, δυνατός, φθεγκτός, πλανητός, λωβητός”). “δεκτός” may mean either “receptive,” sc. thievish (as “δέκτης” of a beggar, Od. 4.248), or “watcher” in the sense of “πυληδόκος”; cf. on 15.

In sense some compound of “ὁδός” (= “ὅδιος, ἐνόδιος”) would be acceptable, but “ὁδαῖος” (Ludwich) and “ὁδουρός” are too far from the tradition. A negative adjective also to balance “ἀμήχανος” might be thought possible; this is given by Hermann's “ἄϊκτος” (=“ἀπρόσιτος” Hesych.), but the resemblance is slight.

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