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[181] αὐτός: the word may emphasize the bodily presence of Apollo at Delos. There can be no contrast between Apollo and another, as there may be in 140, 337. But “αὐτός” seems to be not infrequently used as a kind of title of Apollo, without any antithesis: “Apollo himself”=great Apollo; see note on h. Herm. 234. If this line formed part of the hymn recited at Delos, it must be intended as a final compliment to the island.

Περικλύστου: cf. Hedyp. fr. 27 (corp. poet. ludib. p. 153) “ἐν περικλύστῳ

182-206. This passage (or 179-206) is considered by some editors as a separate fragment, or short hymn to Apollo; by others as the exordium of a “Pythian” hymn. As, however, a new poem obviously cannot begin with 182 “εἶσι δέ κτλ.”, Hermann, Baumeister and others assume that the opening of the “Pythian” hymn has been lost.

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