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[238] ὕλης σποδός: “ὁλοσποδός” is one of M's corruptions (see p. xviii); it may be partly due to “οὐλόποδ᾽ οὐλοκάρηνα 137. ὕλης σποδός” seems original; “σποδός” includes “dust” generally, and the defining genitive of material “wood-ash” is not otiose. In 140 the fire is extinguished with ordinary dust, “κόνις μέλαινα”. The simile is modelled on Od. 5.488 f. where Odysseus keeps up his spark of life in a covering of leaves, just as a man hides a smouldering brand under a heap of ashes. Cf. Theocr. xi. 5, xxiv. 88, Callim. Ep. 44, and perhaps h. Dem. 239.

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