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[337] ἁΓν́ην: specially an epithet of Persephone: Od. 11.386, infra 439. She was worshipped as “Ἁγνή” in Messenia, Paus.iv. 33. 4; cf. the inscr. of Andania. “ἁγνή” is also frequent with Demeter, Hes. Op.465, supra 203, Archil. 120.So “ἁγναὶ θεαί” of both goddesses C. I. G. 5431, 5643. Rohde Psyche p. 192, Roscher i. p. 1813 f., Pauly-Wissowa 2754.

ἀΠό may here be retained, though Voss pointed out that in the Homeric formula the prep. is “ὑπό”: cf. Il. 21.56, Theog. 653.

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