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[488] μετ́ηορα: apparently adverbial, like “μάψ”, “uncertainly”; cf. the use of “μετέωρος” in prose.

θρυλίζοι: the manuscript “θρυαλίζοι” points to uncial corruption from “θρυλλίζοι” (a constant variant), but the single “λ” is correct for the word and its cognates; Cobet Misc. Crit. 221, Schanz Plato vii. p. 7, Dindorf on Eq.348.

489=474. The repetition is no doubt a kind of parody of Homeric style; the line itself, as Gemoll notes, is here quite in place, to return to Apollo after the digression. Apollo alone can command the instrument without need of practice.

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