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[87] δέμων ἀΝθοῦσαν ἀλώην: this reading of M was defended in J. H. S. xv. p. 285 against Gemoll's objections. The old man's occupation is more specifically stated 90 “ὅς τε φυτὰ σκάπτεις” and 207 “ἔσκαπτον περὶ γουνὸν ἀλωῆς οἰνοπέδοιο”. His work was somewhat like that of Laertes, Od. 24.227 λιστρεύοντα φυτόν”, i.e. he was digging about his vines in bud (“ἀνθοῦσαν”), clearing the spaces between the rows, and making trenches round the roots. This process was called “γύρωσις” by Greek agriculturists, cf. Xen. Oec.xx. 20, Geopon. v. 20 “γυρώσομεν δέ, τουτέστι περισκάψομεν”; cf. iv. 1. 5, 13. 1 etc. and v. 25 “σκάπτειν δὲ χρὴ πρὸ βλαστοῦ προβολῆς”. A later time for this operation is mentioned by Columella iv. 28 pubescentem vero et quasi adulescentem convenit religare foliisque omnibus nudare, tum et crebris fossionibus implere. This passage amply justifies “ἀνθοῦσαν”. Add Hesiod Op.570-72 “τότε δὴ σκάφος οὐκέτι οἰνέων”; Pallad. iv. 7 Op., iv. 20, Aeschines ii. 156, Menand. Georg.64, Mosch.iv. 100, Theocr. xxv. 27φυτοσκάφος”, and Luke xiii. 8. The verb “δέμειν” may very well be used of this work, “stablishing,” i.e. building up or tending a vineyard to which the epithet “ἐϋκτιμένη” is applied, Od. 24.226. In Homer “δέμειν” is confined to the building of walls or other edifices, but Herodotus uses it for road-making. Fick perversely alters “δέμων” to “νέμων” here, and “νέμοντα” to “δέμοντα” 187 (B. B. xxii. p. 269).

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