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[13] σατίνας: this rare word occurs elsewhere only in Anacr.xxi. 12σατινέων”, Eur. Hel.1311; see Hesych., and “ηεροδ. π. διχρ”. 291. 25. It is derived by G. Meyer Alban. Stud. iii.=Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. 125 p. 51 Anm. 1: “Das Wort stammt aus Vorderasien, und gehört zu ai. śátr<*>s ‘Feind’ air. cath ‘Kampf,’ gall. Caturiges, ahd. hadu, ags. heado.” This is accepted by Solmsen K. Z. xxiv. p. 38 and 69 who adds the Phrygian “Κότυς” and the Thracian tribe “Σάτραι, Σατροκένται”. This etymology and the quotations in literature (in Anacreon the word is part of a description of eastern luxury, in Euripides it represents Cybele's car) seem to make “σατίνη” a Grecised Asian, perhaps Phrygian, word. Fick's view (B. B. ix. p. 200) that the word is Cyprian rests on no better evidence than Hesychius' gloss “σάσαι: καθίσαι. Πάφιοι” (Smyth Melic Poets p. 291).

καὶ ἅρματα Ποικίλα χαλκῷ=Il. 4.226, Κ” 322, 393. Ruhnken (h. Dem. 274) would neglect position throughout, i.e. write “τε καί”. The question is discussed in J. H. S. xviii. p. 23f. True exx. of “καί” making position (i.e. with no digamma or other consonant lost before the following vowel) are rare, and Ilgen's view cannot be considered as proved, owing to the ease with which “τε” is dropped in the MSS. Flach (B. B. ii. p. 18) omits “τε” in 85, 169, 232; Fick reads “ἰδέ”.

14= Hes. Op.519παρθενικῆς ἁπαλόχροος”, and ibid. 521 “ἔργα ἰδυῖα πολυχρύσου Ἀφροδίτης”, with which cf. 9. Gemoll remarks that the debt to Hesiod is plain.

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