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[491] The special cult of Demeter at Paros is attested by the title “Δημητριάς” applied to the whole island (Nicanor ap. Byz. Steph. s.v. “Πάρος”); cf. 134.The island was colonized from Crete, one of the oldest centres of the cult (see on 123). According to the schol. on Av.1764, Archilochus composed a hymn to Demeter at Paros. The cult is also known by an inscr. from Paros (Ath. Mitth. xvi. p. 6), “δημητρι θεσμοφορωι και κορηι και διι ευβουλει και βαβοι” (= “Βαυβοῖ”). Cf. also Boeckh C.I.G. 2557, and B. C. H. i. p. 135. 54. An ear of corn and the head of Demeter are common types on the coinage; Head Hist. Num. p. 417. See further PaulyWissowa 2722 f.

Ἄντρωνα (“Ἀντρῶνας” in Demosth. x. 9, cf. Strabo 432 and Scylax 63 Müller): a Thessalian town, mentioned in the Catalogue Il. 2.697, opposite Oreus in Euboea, not elsewhere mentioned for the worship of Demeter. But in Il. 2.696 the neigh bouring Pyrasus is called “Δήμητρος τέμενος” (cf. Strabo 435), so that the cult no doubt prevailed along the Pagasaean gulf in very ancient times. There is thus no difficulty in the mention of these places by an early Attic or Eleusinian poet.

494, 495 = xxx. 18, 19. ᾠδ̂ης: the contracted form first in h. Apoll. 20. ὀΠάζειν: this correction of “ὄπαζε” (cf. Il. 21.217 ῥέζε ῥέζειν”, Hes. Op.611ἀπόδρεπε -εν -ειν”) is slighter than to write “πρόφρων δ̓” for “πρόφρονες” (on the analogy of xxx. 18). For the infin. in liturgy see Adami de poet. scenicis p. 243 and Smyth Greek Melic Poets p. 500, who compare Soph. Ant.1144, and the song of the Elean women “ἐλθεῖν, ἥρω Διόνυσε” (Smyth p. 154). On the general Homeric use of the infin. for imper. see Hentze in B. B. xxvii. 1902, p. 106 f.

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