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[257] For the resumptive μιν after “τὸν μέν” Baumeister compares Od. 16.78 f. ὀρεσκῷοι: applied to the centaurs, Il. 1.268; to goats Od. 9.155; and twice in the hymns to animals, h. Herm. 42, h. Pan 43. The last part of the compound appears to be related to “κοῖτος” (“κεῖμαι”), i.e. “sleeping on the mountains”; see Prellwitz Et. Wört. But Döderlein, comparing “κῶν: τὸ κοῖλον, τὸ βαθύ” (E. M.), and “κῶς: εἱρκτή, δεσμωτήριον” (Hesych.), connects the word with “κοῖλος” “dwelling in mountain-caves.”

βαθύκολποι, “full-breasted”; the “κόλπος” in Homer is always the breast, not the fold of the robe. The word is applied only to Trojan women in the Iliad (Il. 18.122, 339, Ω” 215), but this is no doubt accidental; we are not to suppose that it refers to a form of dress confined to barbarians (see Leaf on Il. 18.122). Mannhardt (A. W. F. p. 7) sees an allusion to luxuriant vegetation, comparing the full breasts of German and Scandinavian tree-nymphs. But the epithet has no such special significance; in h. Dem. 5 the Ocean nymphs are “βαθύκολποι”.

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