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[450] Ῥάριον: according to Herodian “π.μ.λ.” 35, Bekker An.693. 11Ράρος” (and therefore its derivatives) should be written with spir. lenis, “Ρ̓αρος”, but the authority is perhaps insufficient. For the Rharian plain cf. Paus.i. 38. 6τὸ δὲ πεδίον τὸ Ῥάριον σπαρῆναι πρῶτον λέγουσι καὶ πρῶτον αὐξῆσαι καρπούς, καὶ διὰ τοῦτο οὐλαῖς ἐξ αὐτοῦ χρῆσθαί σφισι καὶ ποιεῖσθαι πέμματα ἐς τὰς θυσίας καθέστηκεν”. “The plain Rharium seems to have been in the immediate vicinity of Eleusis, but on which side it would be difficult to determine” (Leake Top. Ath. ii. p. 159); Lenormant places it on the north side (Cont. Rev. 38. 134). For the word see coni. praec. 42; Marmor Parium 25, and an inscr. in “Ἐφ. Ἀρχ”. 1883 p. 119 f., which give the usual termination of the name as Raria or Rharia. Byz. Steph. also recognizes Rharion: “Ῥάριον: πεδίον ἐν Ἐλευσῖνι, καὶ ῥαρία γῆ”. Herod. l.c. quotes “Ρ̓αρίδος Δηοῦς”.

φερέσβιον: first in Theog. 693. Apollodorus in schol. Genev. on Il. 21.319 gives the word as “παρ᾽ Ὁμήρῳ”. See Preface p. l. On the word cf. Solmsen l.c. p. 20 f. οὖθαρ ἀρούρης = Il. 9.141; cf. also xxx. 9.

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