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[142] ἂν Ν´ησους: D'Orville's correction (also made by Ilgen and accepted by Peppmüller and Tyrrell among recent critics) appears to be necessary. “ἠλάσκαζες” might perhaps govern a direct accusative “νήσους”, on the analogy of 175 “στρεφόμεσθα πόλεις”, but the construction can hardly be extended to “ἀνέρας”. For the corruption cf. Il. 2.198 ὃν δ᾽ αὖ”, “ευστ. ὃν δ᾽ ἄν”. The expression “νήσους τε καὶ ἀνέρας” is a sort of hendiadys for “inhabited islands” in contrast to the solitude of Delos, or rather, perhaps, of its mountain Cynthos. For a similar hendiadys (also with “τε καί”) cf. Theocr. xvii. 77μυρίαι ἄπειροί τε καὶ ἔθνεα μυρία φωτῶν” “a thousand lands with their tribes” (Cholmeley). The alterations of either word are mistaken; cf. Pind. 10οὔτε παρ᾽ ἀνδράσιν οὔτ᾽ ἐν ναυσὶ κοιλαῖς”.

144, 145=22, 23; see on 20-24.

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