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[531] Πάντας ἐΠικραίνουσα θεούς: the construction “ἐπικραίνειν τί τινος” seems impossible, even if the presumed meaning “confirming all the gods in respect of good words and deeds” made any sense in the context, or could be justified by any known virtue of the “ῥάβδος. πάντας” appears to be sound; cf. Il. 15.599 πᾶσαν ἐπικρήνειε” (“ἀρήν”), “fulfil all the prayer.” Nothing, however, can be said in favour of the numerous conjectures, except that “θεούς” (from “θεόν 526, θεῶν” 537) may have displaced another word; for its introduction cf. h. Apoll. 59. As a correction, “ἐπικραίνουσ᾽ ἄθλους” may be suggested: “fulfilling (winning) all the tasks (whether of word or deed) which I claim to know.” This is supported by Od. 8.159 f. “οὐ γάρ δ᾽ οὐδέ, ξεῖνε, δαήμονι φωτὶ ἐΐσκω

ἄθλων, οἷά τε πολλὰ μετ᾽ ἀνθρώποισι πέλονται”, where the neut. “οἷά τε”, as “ὅσα” here, refers adverbially to the masc. “ἆθλοι” (see M. and R. on Od. 8.108). Cf. also Od. 8.133 ἄεθλον οἶδέ τε καὶ δεδάηκε. ἐπικραίνουσα” would=“ἐκτελέουσα”, cf. e.g. Od. 8.22 ἐκτελέσειεν ἀέθλους”. The “κηρύκειον” would be a certain talisman for victory in any contest, whether of word (e.g. music), or deed (e.g. athletics), unless the reference is more general, to any difficulties in life.

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