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[224] Μυκαλησσόν: a town at the foot of Messapius; it was in ruins by the time of Pausanias (ix. 19. 4). See Frazer ad loc. who identifies it with the modern Rhitzona. Between this place and Teumessus was Harma, where “πυθαισταί” allowed the “θυσίαι” to proceed to Delphi, or prevented them, according to the result of divination by lightning (Strabo 404).

Τευμησσόν: Mesovouni, a village or small town on the slopes of a low hill, about five miles from Thebes. See Frazer on Paus.ix. 19. 1.The hill itself is bare and rocky, and the epithet λεχεποίηΝ seems quite inappropriate. Frazer suggests that the ancients may have extended the name Teumessus to include the hills on the south (now called Mount Soros), which are less bare. Nonnus (Dionys. v. 59 f.) and Statius ( Theb.i. 485) speak of Teumessus as grassy and wooded; Antimachus (ap. Aristot. Rhet.iii. 1408 a 1) as “ἠνεμόεις ὀλίγος λόφος”, which Strabo 409 thinks unsuitable. There is the same variant “τελμησσόν” in the MSS. of Eur. Phoen.1100.On the etymology see Wackernagel K. Z. xxviii p. 121, Bechtel B. B. xxvi. p. 148.

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