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A note of certeine places unto the Northwards of the Line.

IN primis, From Cape Blanco unto Cape S. Laurence, the course is North & by East, South and by West, and the distance 60 leagues.

Item, From Cape S. Lorenzo unto Cape S. Francisco, the course is North & by East, South and by West, and the distance is 40 leagues.

Item, From Cape S. Francisco unto the cape that is called Cape Blanco, which cape is on the coast of New Spaine, the course is Northnortheast and Southsouthwest, and the distance is 160 leagues: and you shall have a great current that setteth out of the bay of Panama; and the sayd current setteth South out.

Item, From Cape Blanco unto the Port de Veles, the course is Northeast and Southwest, and the distance 8 leagues.

Item, From the Port de Veles unto the port of S. John, the course is Northwest and Southeast, and the distance is 17 leagues.

Item, From the port of S. John unto Rio Lexo, the course is Northwest, and Southeast, and the distance is 40 leagues.

Item, From Rio Lexo unto the gulfe of Fonsecco, the course is Westnorthwest, and Eastsoutheast, and they are distant 14 leagues.

Item, In the mouth of Rio Lexo there lieth one iland, and you must goe in on the Northwest part of that iland; on the which iland you may be bolde for to borrow on: and you must goe from that iland Southeast up.

Item, That in the gulfe of Fonsecco you shall have lying ten ilands, whereof three be peopled with Indians, whereon you may have water, wood, and salt.

Item, On the West side of the gulfe of Fonsecco there is one towne of Indians, which is called Mapal, in which towne there is great store of beeves.

Item, From the river Lexo unto the bay of Sonsonate , the course is East and West, and the distance is 60 leagues.

Item, From the bay of Sonsonate unto the port of Aguatulco, the course is Northwest and by West, Southeast and by East, and the distance 160 leagues.

Item, From the bay of Coppeleto unto the port of Aguatulco it is 2 leagues, the course is West and by North, East and by South.

Item, From the port of Aguatulco unto the port of Angeles, the course is East and West, and they are distant 12 leagues.

Item, From the port of Aguatulco unto the port of Acapulco , the course is West & by North, East and by South, and the distance is 78 leagues.

Item, From the port of Acapulco unto the port of S. Iago, the course is West and by North, East and by South, and the distance is 80 leagues.

Item, From the port of S. Iago unto the port of Natividad, the course is East and West, and the distance is 7 leagues.

Item, From the port of Natividad unto the port of the islands of Chiametla, the course is East and West, and the distance is 10 leagues.

Item, From the ilands of Chiametla unto Cape de los Corrientes, the course is Northwest and by West, Southeast and by East, and the distance is 30 leagues.

Item, From the Cape de los Corrientes unto the bay of Xalisco, the course is Northnortheast, and Southsouthwest, and the distance is 18 leagues.

Item, From the bay of Xalisco unto the port of Chiametlan, the course is Northnortheast and Southsouthwest, and the distance is 30 leagues.

Item, From the Cape de los Corrientes unto the ilands called Las tres Marias, the course is Northwest and Southeast, and the distance is 20. leagues.

Item, From the Cape de los Corrientes unto the cape of Santa Clara on the point of California , the course is Westnorthwest, and Eastsoutheast, and the distance is 108 leagues.

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