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Her Majesties letter to the Turke or Grand Signior 1581. promising redresse of the disorders of Peter Baker of Ratcliffe, committed in the Levant .

ELIZABETH by the divine grace of the eternall God, of England, France and Ireland most sacred Queene, and of the most Christian faith, against all the prophaners of his most holy Name the zealous and mightie defendour, &c. To the most renowned and Emperious Caesar, Sultan Murad Can, Emperour of all the dominions of Turkie, and of all the East Monarchie chiefe above all others whosoever, most fortunate yeeres with the successe of al true happinesse. As with very great desire we wish and embrace tile love and amitie of forreine Princes, and in the same by al good dueties and meanes we seeke to be confirmed: so to us there may bee nothing more grievous and disliking, then that any thing should happen through the default of our Subjects, which any way might bring our faith and fidelitie into suspition: Although wee are not ignorant how many good princes by the like misadventure be abused, where the doings of the Subjects are imputed to the want of good government. But such matters of importance and so well approved we may not omit: such is to us the sacred estimation of our honour, and of our Christian profession, as we would the same should appeare aswell in the concluding of our promises and agreements, as in the faithful performing of the same.

The matter which by these our letters wee specially beholde, is a most injurious and grievous wrong which of late came unto our understanding, that should be done unto certaine of your subjects by certaine of our Subjects, as yet not apprehended: but with all severitie upon their apprehension they are to be awarded for the same. And as the deede in it selfe is most wicked, so is it much more intollerable, by how much it doeth infringe the credit of our faith, violate the force of our authoritie, and impeach the estimation of our word faithfully given unto your Imperiall dignitie. In which so great a disorder if wee should not manifest our hatred towardes so wicked and evil disposed persons, we might not onely most justly be reproved in the judgement of all such as truely favour Justice, but also of all Princes the patrones of right and equitie, might no lesse be condemned. That therefore considered, which of our parts is ordained in this cause which may be to the good liking of your highnesse, we are most especially to request of your Imperiall Majestie, that through the default and disorder of a sort of evill and wicked disposed persons, you wil not withdraw your gratious favour from us, neither to hinder the trafique of our Subjects, which by vertue of your highnesse sufferance, and power of your licence are permitted to trade into your dominions & countreys, or that either in their persons or goods they be prejudiced in their traveyling by land or by water, promising unto your greatnesse most faithfully, that the goods whereof your subjects by great wrong and violence have bene spoyled, shall wholy againe be restored, if either by the lives or possessions of the robbers it may any way be brought to passe: And that hereafter (as now being taught by this evill example) wee will have speciall care that none under the title of our authoritie shall be suffered to commit any the like wrongs or injuries.

Neither they which have committed these evil parts had any power under your highnesse safeconduct graunted unto our subjects, but from some other safeconduct, whether it were true or fained, we knowe not, or whether they bought it of any person within the government of Marseils: but under the colour thereof they have done that, which the trueth of our dealing doeth utterly abhorre. Notwithstanding howsoever it be, wee will surely measure their evill proceedings with most sharpe and just correction, and that it shall repent them of the impeachment of our honours, as also if shalbe an example of our indignation, that others may dread at all times to commit the like offence. Wherefore that our amitie might be continued, as if this unfortunate hap had never chanced, and that the singuler affection of our Subjects towardes your Imperiall Majestie vowed, and dayly more and more desired, might be conserved and defended, we thereunto do make our humble suite unto your greatnesse : And for so great goodnesse towardes us and our people granted, doe most humbly pray unto the Almightie creatour of heaven and earth, ever to maintaine and keepe your most renowmed Majestie in all happinesse and prosperitie.

Dated at our palace of Greenewich the 26. of June, Anno 1581.

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