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The Charter of the Marchants of Russia , graunted upon the discoverie of the saide Countrey, by King Philipe and Queene Marie.

PHILIP and Marie, by the grace of God King and Queene, &c. To all manner of officers, true Jurie men, ministers and subjects, and to all other people as well within this our Realme or elsewhere under our obeysance, jurisdiction, and rule, or otherwise unto whome these our letters shall bee shewed, seene, or read, greeting.

Whereas wee be credibly informed, that our right trustie, right faithfull, and welbeloved Counsailors, William Marques of Winchester Lord high Treasurer of this our Realme of England, Henrie Earle of Arundel Lord Steward of our housholde, John Earle of Bedford Lord keeper of our privie Seale, William Earle of Pembroke, William Lorde Howard of Effingham Lorde high Admirall of our saide Realme of England, &c. Have at their owne adventure, costs and charges, provided, rigged, and tackled certaine ships, pinnesses, and other meete vessels, and the same furnished with all things necessary have advanced and set forward, for to discover, descrie, and finde Iles, landes, territories, Dominions, and Seigniories unknowen, and by our subjects before this not commonly by sea frequented, which by the sufferance and grace of Almightie God, it shall chaunce them sailing Northwards, Northeastwards, and Northwestwards, or any partes thereof, in that race or course which other Christian Monarches (being with us in league and amitie) have not heeretofore by Seas traffiqued, haunted, or frequented, to finde and attaine by their said adventure, as well for the glorie of God, as for the illustrating of our honour and dignitie royall, in the increase of the revenues of our Crowne, and generall wealth of this and other our Realmes and Dominions, and of our subjects of the same: And to this intent our subjects above specified and named, have most humbly beseeched us, that our abundant grace, favour and clemencie may be gratiously extended unto them in this behalfe: Whereupon wee inclined to the petition of the foresaide our Counsailours, subjects and marchants, and willing to animate, advance, further and nourish them in their said godlie, honest, and good purpose, and, as we hope, profitable adventure, and that they may the more willingly, and readily atchieve the same. Of our especiall grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion, have graunted, and by these presents doe graunt, for us, our heires and successours, unto our said right trustie, and right faithfull, and right welbeloved Counsailours, and the other before named persons, that they by the name of marchants adventurers of England, for the discovery of lands, territories, Iles, Dominions, and Seigniories unknowen, and not before that late adventure or enterprise by sea or Navigation, commonly frequented as aforesaid, shalbe from henceforth one bodie and perpetuall fellowship and communaltie of themselves, both in deede and in name, and them, by the names of Marchants adventurers for the discoverie of lands, territories, Iles & seigniories unknowen, and not by the seas, and Navigations, before their saide late adventure or enterprise by sea or Navigation commonly frequented, We doe incorporate, name, and declare by these presents, and that the same fellowship or communalty from henceforth shalbe, and may have one Governour of the saide fellowship, and communaltie of Marchants adventurers.

And in consideration that one Sebastian Cabota hath bin the chiefest setter forth of this journey or voyage, therefore we make, ordeine, and constitute him the said Sebastian to be the first and present governour of the same fellowship and communaltie, by these presents. To have and enjoy the said office of Governour, to him the said Sebastian Cabota during his naturall life, without amoving or dimissing from the same roome.

And furthermore, we graunt unto the same fellowship and communaltie and their successors, that they the saide fellowship and communaltie, and their successors after the decease of the saide Sebastian Cabota, shall, and may freely and lawfully in places convenient and honest, assemble themselves together, or so many of them as will or can assemble together, as well within our citie of London, or elsewhere, as it shall please them, in such sort and maner, as other worshipfull corporations of our saide citie have used to assemble, and there yeerely name, elect and choose one Governour or two, of themselves, and their liberties, and also as well yeerely during the natural life of the said Sebastian Cabota now Governour, as also at the election of such saide Governour or governours before his decease, to choose, name and appoint eight and twenty of the most sad, discreete, and honest persons of the saide fellowship, and communaltie of Marchant adventurers, as is above specified, and 4. of the most expert and skilfull persons of the same 28. to be named and called Consuls, and 24. of the residue, to be named and called Assistants to the saide Governour or governours, and Consuls for the time being, which shal remaine and stand in their authorities for one whole yeere then next following. And if it shall fortune the saide Governour, Consuls, and assistants, or any of them so to be elected, and chosen as is aforesaid, to die within the yeere after his or their election, that then and so often, it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said fellowship, and communalty, to elect and choose of themselves other Governour or governours, Consuls and assistants, in the place and steade of such as so shall happen to die, to serve out the same yeere.

And further we do make, ordeine, and constitute George Barnes knight and Alderman of our Citie of London, William Garret Alderman of our saide Citie, Anthonie Husie, and John Suthcot, to be the first and present 4. Consuls of the said felowship and communalty by these presents, to have and enjoy the said offices of Consuls to them the said George Barnes, William Garret, Anthony Husie, & John Suthcot, for terme of one whole yere next after ye date of these our letters patents: And we doe likewise make, ordeine, and constitute Sir John Gresham knight, Sir Andrew Judde knight, Sir Thomas White knight, Sir John Yorke knight, Thomas Offley the elder, Thomas Lodge, Henry Herdson, John Hopkins, William Watson, Will. Clifton , Richard Pointer, Richard Chamberlaine, William Mallorie, Thomas Pallie the elder, William Allen, Henry Becher, Geffrey Walkenden, Richard Fowles, Rowland Heyward, George Eaton, John Ellot, John Sparke, Blase Sanders, & Miles Mording, to be the first and present 24. Assistants to the saide Governour or governours, and Consuls, and to the said fellowship and communaltie by these presents, to have and enjoy the said offices of assistants to them for terme of one whole yere, next after the date of these our letters patents. And further, we for us, our heires and successors, as much as in us is, wil & graunt by these presents unto the saide Governour, Consuls, assistans, fellowship & company of Marchants adventurers aforesaid, & to their successors, that the said governour or governours, 4. Consuls, & 24. assistants, that now by these patents are nominated and appointed, or that hereafter by the saide fellowship & communaltie of marchants adventurers, or the more part of them, which shalbe then present, so from time to time to be chosen, so that there be 15. at the least wholy agreed therof, the said Governour or governors, or one of them, and 2. of the said Consuls shalbe there, and 12. of the residue of the said number of 15. shall be of the saide assistants, and in the absence of such Governour, that then 3. of the said Consuls, and 12. of the saide assistants at the least for the time being shal & may have, use and exercise ful power and authority to rule and governe all and singuler the Marchants of the said fellowship and communaltie, and to execute and doe full and speedie justice to them, and every of them, in all their causes, differences, variances, controversies, quarrels, and complaints, within any our realmes, dominions & jurisdictions onely moved, and to be moved touching their marchandise, traffikes, and occupiers aforesaid, or the good order or rule of them or any of them.

Also wee for us, our heires and successours, so much as in us is, doe likewise by these presents graunt, that the said Governour, Consuls, assistants, fellowship and communaltie, and their successors shall and may have perpetuall succession, and a common Seale which shall perpetually serve for the affaires and businesse of the saide fellowship and communaltie. And that they and their successours, shall and may bee for ever able persons, and capax in the lawe, for to purchase and possesse in fee and perpetuitie, and for terme of life or lives, or for terme of yeeres or otherwise, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and other possessions, and hereditaments whatsoever they bee, by the name of the Governour, Consuls, assistants, fellowship and communaltie of the Marchants adventurers by Seas and Navigations for the discoverie of landes, territories, Iles, Dominions, and Seigniories unknowen, and before the saide last adventure or enterprise by seas not frequented, as before is specified, and by the same names shall and may lawfully alien, graunt, let and set the same or any part thereof to any person or persons able in the lawe to take and receive the same. So that they doe not graunt nor alien the same, or any part thereof into mortmaine, without speciall licence of us, our heires or successours, first had and obtained.

Also wee for us, our heires and successours have graunted, and by these presents doe graunt unto the saide Governours, Consuls, assistants, fellowship and communaltie of the saide Marchants and to their successours, that they and their successours, shall and may lawfully purchase unto them and their successors for ever, landes, tenements and hereditaments whatsoever, of the cleare yeerely value of threescore sixe pounds, thirteene shillings & foure pence of lawful money of England and not above, as well of such lands, tenements and hereditaments, as bee holden or shall be holden of us, our heires or successours, as of any other person or persons, the statutes provided against alienations into mortmaine, or any of them, or any article or clause in them or any of them contained, or any other lawe, custome, statute or provision to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And that they by the name of the Governour, Consuls, assistants, fellowship and communaltie of Marchants adventurers, for the discoverie of lands territories, Isles, dominions and Seigniories unknowen by the Seas and Navigations, and not before the said late adventure or enterprise by seas frequented as aforesaid, shall and may be able in the law to implead, and be impleaded, to answere, and to be answered, to defende, and to be defended before whatsoever Judge or Justice, temporall or spirituall, or other persons whatsoever, in whatsoever court, or courts, and in all actions personall, reall, and mixt, and in every of them, and in all plaints of novel disseison, and also in all plaints, suites, quarels, affaires, businesses and demaunds whatsoever they bee, touching and concerning the saide fellowship and communaltie, and the affaires and businesse of the same onely, in as ample manner and forme, as any other corporation of this our Realme may doe.

Moreover, wee for us, our heires and successours, have given and graunted, and by these presents doe give and graunt unto the said Governour, Consuls, assistants, fellowshippe, and communaltie of Marchants adventurers aforesaide, and to their successours, that the saide Governour, or Governours, Consuls and assistants, and their successors, in maner, forme, and number afore rehearsed, shall have full power and authoritie from time to time hereafter, to make, ordein, establish and erect all such statutes, actes and ordinaunces, for the governement, good condition, and laudable rule of the saide fellowship and communaltie of Marchants adventurers aforesaid, as to them shall bee thought good, meete, convenient and necessarie, and also to admit unto the saide Corporation and fellowship to be free of the same, such and as many persons, as to them shal bee thought good, meete, convenient and necessarie. And that every such person or persons, as shall fortune heereafter to bee admitted into the saide fellowshippe, communaltie and corporation, shal from the time of his or their admittance, be free of the same. And also wee will, and by these presents graunt for us, our heires and successours, unto the saide Governours, Consuls, assistants, fellowship, communaltie of Marchants adventurers aforesaid, and to their successours, that the Governour, or governors, Consuls and assistants of the same, in maner, forme, and number afore rehearsed, and their successours for the time being, shall, and may have full power and authoritie by these presents from time to time, as to them shal seeme good, to limite, set, ordeine and make, mulcts, and penalties by fines, forfeitures, & imprisonments, or any of them upon any offender of the saide fellowship and communaltie, for any offence touching the same fellowship and communaltie, and also that all acts and ordinances by them or their successours to bee made, which time shall thinke not necessarie or prejudiciall to the saide fellowship or communaltie, at al times to revoke, breake, frustrate, annihilate, repeale and dissolve at their pleasure and liberty. And further, wee will, that if any of the saide fellowship and communaltie shalbe found contrarious, rebellious, or disobedient to the saide Governour or governours, Consuls, and the said assistants for the time being, or to any statutes, acts or ordinances by them made or to be made, that then the saide Governour or governours, Consuls, and the saide assistants, in maner, forme, and number above specified, for the time being, shall and may by vertue of these presents, mulct, and punish every such offender or offenders, as the quality of the offence requireth, according to their good discretions.

And further, we will that none of the saide offender or offenders shall decline from the power of the saide Governour, or governours, Consuls and assistants, in maner, forme, and number abovesaide for the time being: so alwayes, that the saide actes, statutes and ordinances, doe onely touch and concerne the saide Governour or governours, Consuls, assistants, and the saide fellowship and communaltie of our before named Marchants adventurers, or the men of the same fellowship and communaltie, and none other; And so alwayes, that such their acts, statutes and ordinances bee not against our prerogative, lawes, statutes, and customes of our realmes and Dominions, nor contrary to the severall duetie of any our subjects towards us, our heires and successours, nor contrarie to any compacts, treaties or leagues, by us or any our progenitours heretofore had or made, or hereafter by us, our heires and successours to bee made, to or with any forreine Prince or potentate, nor also to the prejudice of the corporation of the Maior, communalties and Citizens of our Citie of London, nor to the prejudice of any person or persons, bodie politique, or corporate, or incorporate, justly pretending, clayming, or having any liberties, franchises, priviledges, rightes or preheminences, by vertue or pretext of anie graunt, gift, or Letters patents, by us, or anie our Progenitours, heeretofore given, graunted, or made.

Moreover, we for us, our heires, and successours, will, and by these presents, doe graunt unto the said Governors, Consuls, assistants, fellowship and communaltie of our Marchants aforesaid, that their said Governour or governours, Consuls and assistants, and their successors for the time being, in maner, forme and number above rehearsed, shal have full power and authority to assigne, constitute and ordaine one officer, or divers officers as well within our aforesaide Citie of London, as also in any other place or places of this our Realme of England, or else where within our dominions, which officer or officers, wee will to be named and called by the name of Sergeant or Sergeants to the fellowship or communalty of the said marchants, and that the said sergeant or sergeants, shall and may have full power and authoritie by these presents, to take, levie and gather all maner fines, forfeitures, penalties and mulcts of every person and persons, of the saide fellowship and communaltie convict, and that shalbe convicted, upon or for breaking of any statutes, acts, ordinances, to bee made by the saide Governour or governours, Consuls and assistants for the time being.

And further, wee will and also graunt for us, our heires and successours, that the saide officer or officers shall have further power and authoritie for the default of payment, or for disobedience in this behalfe (if neede be) to set hands and arrest aswell the bodie and bodies, as the goods and chattels of such offender, and offenders, & transgressers, in every place and places not franchised. And if it shall fortune any such offender or offenders, their goods and chattels or any part thereof, to be in any citie, borough, towne incorporate, or other place franchised or priviledged, where the said officer or officers may not lawfully intromit or intermeddle, that then the Maior, shirifes, baylifes, and other head officers, or ministers, within every such citie, borough, towne incorporate or place or places franchised, upon a precept to them, or any of them, to be directed from the governour or governours, Consuls and assistants of the said fellowship, in number and forme aforesaid, under the common seale of the sayd fellowship and communaltie for the time being, shall and may attach & arrest the body or bodies of such offender or offenders, as also take, and seise the goods and chattels of all and every such offender or offenders, being within any such place or places franchised, and the same body and bodies, goods and chattels of all and every such offender and offenders, being within any such place or places franchised, and every part therof so attached and seazed, shall according to the tenor and purport of the sayd precept, returne, and deliver unto the sayd officer or officers of the aforesaid fellowship, and communaltie.

And further, we will and grant for us, our heires and successours by these presents, that all, and every such Maior, shirife, baylife, or other head officers or ministers of any citie, borough, towne, incorporate, or other places franchised, shall not be impeached, molested, vexed or sued in any our court or courts, for executing or putting in execution of any of the said precept or precepts.

And furthermore, we of our ample and abundant grace, meere motion, & certaine knowledge, for us, our heires, and successors, as much as in us is, have given and granted, and by these presents doe give and grant unto the sayd governour, Consuls, assistants, fellowship, and comminaltie of Marchants adventurers, and to their successors, and to the Factor and Factors, assigne and assignes of every of them, ful and free authoritie, libertie, facultie and licence, and power to saile to all portes, regions, dominions, territories, landes, Isles, Islands, and coastes of the sea, wheresoever before their late adventure or enterprise unknowen, or by our Marchants and subjects by the seas not heretofore commonly frequented, under our banner, standerd, flags and ensignes, with their shippe, ships, barke, pinnesses, and all other vessels of whatsoever portage, bulke, quantitie or qualitie they may be, and with any Mariners, and men as they will leade with them in such shippe or shippes, or other vessels at their owne and proper costs and expences, for to traffique, descrie, discover and finde, whatsoever Isle, Islands, countreis, regions, provinces, creekes, armes of the sea, rivers & streames, as wel of Gentiles, as of any other Emperor, king, prince, governor or Lord whatsoever he or they shalbe, and in whatsoever part of the world they be situated, being before the sayd late adventure or enterprise unknowen, and by our Marchants and subjects not commonly frequented: and to enter and land in the same, without any maner of denying, paine, penaltie or forfeiture to be had or taken by anie our lawes, customes or statutes to our use, or to the use of our heires or successors for the same.

And we have also granted, and by these presents, for us, our heires and successors, doe graunt unto the sayd Governours, Consuls, assistants, fellowship and comminalty, and to their successours, and to their Factors and assignes, and to every of them, licence for to reare, plant, erect, and fasten our banners, standards, flags, and Ensignes, in whatsoever citie, towne, village, castle, Isle, or maine lande, which shall be by them newly found, without any the penalties, forfeitures, or dangers aforesayde, and that the sayd fellowship and comminalty, and their successors, Factors & assignes and every of them shall and may subdue, possesse, and occupie, all maner cities, townes, Isles, and maine lands of infidelitie, which is or shall be by them, or any of them newly founde or descried, as our vassals and subjects, and for to acquire and get the Dominion, title, and jurisdiction of the same Cities, Townes, Castles, Villages, Isles, and maine landes, which shall bee by them, or any of them newly discovered or found unto us, our heires and successours for ever.

And furthermore, whereas by the voyage of our subjects in this last yeere attempted by Navigation, towards the discoverie and disclosure of unknowen places, Realmes, Islandes, and Dominions by the seas not frequented, it hath pleased Almighty God to cause one of the three shippes by them set foorth for the voyage, and purpose above mentioned, named the Edward Bonaventure, to arrive, abide, and winter within the Empire and dominions of the high and mightie Prince our cousin and brother, Lord John Basilivich Emperour of all Russia , Volodomer, great duke of Moscovie, &c. Who, of his clemencie, for our love and zeale, did not onely admitte the Captaine, and marchants our subjects into his protection, and Princely presence, but also received and intertained them very graciously, and honourably, granting unto them by his letters addressed unto us, franke accesse into all his Seigniories and dominions, with licence freely to traffique in and out with all his Subjects in all kinde of Marchandise, with divers other gracious priviledges, liberties, and immunities specified in his sayde letters under his Signet: Know yee therefore that wee of our further royall favour and munificence, of our meere motion, certaine knowledge, and speciall grace, for us our heires and successours, have given and graunted, and by these presents doe give and grant unto the same Governours, Consuls, assistants, fellowship, and comunalty above named, and to their successours, as much as in us is, that all the mayne landes, Isles, portes, havens, creekes, and rivers of the said mighty Emperour of all Russia , and great duke of Mosco, &c. And all and singuler other lands, dominions, territories, Isles, Portes, havens, creekes, rivers, armes of the sea, of al and every other Emperor, king, prince, ruler and governor, whatsoever he or they before the said late adventure or enterprise not knowen, or by our foresayd marchants and subjects by the seas, not commonly frequented, nor by any part nor parcell thereof lying Northwards, Northeastwards, or Northwestwards, as is aforesayd, by sea shall not be visited, frequented, nor hanted by any our subjects, other then of the sayd company and felowship, and their successours without expresse licence, agreement and consent of the Governour, Consuls, and Assistants of the said felowship and communaltie above named, or the more part of them, in manner and number aforesayd, for the time being, upon paine of forfeiture and losse, as well of the shippe and shippes, with the appurtenances, as also of all the goods, marchandises, and things whatsoever they be, of those our subjects, not being of the sayd felowship and communalty, which shall attempt or presume to saile to any of those places, which bee, or hereafter shall happen to bee found, and traffiked unto: the one halfe of the same forfeiture to be to the use of us, our heires and successors, and the other halfe to be to the use of the sayd fellowship and communaltie. And if it shall fortune anie stranger or strangers, for to attempt to hurt, hinder, or endamage the same marchants, their factors, deputies or assignes, or any of them in sailing, going or returning at any time in the sayd adventure, or for to saile or trade to or from any those places, landes or coastes, which by the sayd marchants, their factors, deputies and assignes have bene, or shall bee descried, discovered and found, or frequented, aswell within the coastes and limites of gentility, as within the dominions and Seigniories of the sayd mighty Emperour and Duke, and of all and every other Emperour, King, Prince, Ruler and governour whatsoever he or they be, before the sayd late adventure or enterprise not knowen by any our said marchants and subjects, by the seas not commonly frequented, and lying Northwards, Northwestwards or Northeastwards as aforesaid, then wee will and grant, and by these presents doe licence, and authorise for us, our heires and successors, the said marchants, their factors, deputies, and assignes, and every of them to doe their best in their defence, to resist the same their enterprises and attempts. Willing therefore, and straightly commanding and charging al and singuler our Officers, Maiors, Sherifes, Escheators, Constables, Bailifes, and all and singuler other our ministers and liege men, and subjects whatsoever, to bee aiding, favouring, helping & assisting unto the sayd governour or governours, Consuls, assistants, fellowship and communalty, and to their successeors and deputies, factors, servants, and assignes, and to the deputies, factors and assignes of every of them, in executing and enjoying the premisses, as well on land as in the sea, from time to time, and at all times when you or any of you shall be thereunto required. In witnesse whereof, &c.

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