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Another branch of a statute made in the tenth yeere of the reigne of Henry the sixt concerning the state of the English Marchants in the dominions of the king of Denmarke.

ITEM because that our soveraigne Lord the king at the grievous complaint to him made in this Parliament by the commons of his realme of England being in this Parliament is informed, that many of his faithfull liege people be greatly impoverished, undone, & in point to be destroyed by the king of Denmarke & his lieges, which be of the amitie of the king our soveraigne Lord, because that they do daily take of his said faithful subjects their goods, so that they have taken of marchants of York and Kingston upon Hul goods & marchandises to the valour of within a yeere, and of other lieges & marchants of ye Realme of England goods & cattals to the valour of wherof they have no remedie of the said king of Denmarke, nor of none other, forasmuch as none of them commeth within the Realme of England, nor nothing have in the same Realme of England, & that ye goods be taken out of the same Realme: The king willing to provide remedy for his said liege people, hath ordeined & established, that if ye goods of any of ye said his lieges be or shalbe taken by the said king of Denmarke or any of his said lieges, the keeper of the privie seale for ye time being, shall have power to make to ye partie grieved letters of request under the privie seale, wtout any other pursuite to be made to any for restitution to be had of ye goods so taken & to be taken. And if restitution be not made by such letters, the king our soveraigne lord by the advise of his counsel shal provide to the partie grieved his covenable remedy, according as ye case requireth.

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