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Necessarie notes to be observed, and followed in your discoverie, as hereafter followeth.

WHEN your barke with all furniture and necessaries shall be in readinesse for you to depart to the sea (if it be that you take your barke at S. Nicholas, or any part of Dwina Reca) you shall from thence, even as timely in the spring as the yce will permit you, saile, & make all expedition that may be, unto the mouth of the river Pechora (as your commission doth leade you) and as you passe by the coast all alongst (notwithstanding the plat that sheweth you the description of the said coast, from Dwina unto Vaigats) yet you shall seeke by all the meanes that you can, to amend the same plat, using as many observations, as you possibly can do: and these notes following are to be observed by you principally.
  1. First, that you do observe the latitude as often, and in as many places as you may possibly do it, noting diligently the place where you do so observe the same.
  2. Also that you doe diligently set with your compasse, how the land doth lie from point to point, all alongst as you goe, and to use your judgements how farre there may be betweene ech of them.
  3. Item, that you do alwayes use to draw the proportion and biting of the land, aswell the lying out of the points, and headlands, unto the which you shall give some apt names (at your discretion) as also the forme of the Bayes, and to make some marke in drawing the forme, and border of the same, where the high cliffes are, and where low land is, whether sandy hilles, or whatsoever: omit not to note any thing that may be sensible and apparant to you, which may serve to any purpose.
  4. In passing along by any coast, that you keepe your lead going often times, and sound at the least once every glasse, and oftener if you thinke good as occasion doth serve, and note diligently the depth with the maner of the ground, and at every time, how farre the same sounding may be from the next shore to it: and how the next point or headland doth beare from you. And in the sea after you set off from your port, you shall orderly at the end of every foure glasses sound, and if you finde ground, note the depth and what ground, but if you can finde no ground, you shall also note in what depth you could find no ground.
  5. Also that you do diligently observe the flowing, & ebbing in every place, and how the tides do set, which way the flood doth come, and how much water it doth high in every place, and what force the same tide hath to drive a ship in an houre, as neere as you can judge it.
  6. Also that you doe seeke to observe with the instrument which I deliver you herewith, according as I taught you at Rose Island, the true platformes, and distances, in as many places as conveniently you may, for it serveth very aptly your purpose.
  7. Also that you take with you paper and ynke, and keepe a continuall journall or rememberance day by day, of all such things as shall fall out worth the knowledge, not forgetting or omitting to write it, and note it, that it may be shewed and read at your returne.
  8. These orders if you shall diligently observe, it will be easie for you to make a plat and perfect description of your discovery, and so shall your notes be sufficient to answere that which is looked for at your hands. But withall you may not forget to note as many things as you can learne and understand by the report of any people whatsoever they be, so that it appertaine any way to our desires. And thus the Lord God prosper your voyage. Amen.

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