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Advertisements and reports of the 6. voyage into the parts of Persia and Media, for the companie of English merchants for the discoverie of new trades, in the yeeres 1579. 1580. and 1581. gathered out of sundrie letters written by Christopher Burrough, servant to the saide companies, and sent to his uncle Master William Burrough.

FIRST it is to be understood, that the ships for the voiage to S. Nicholas in Russia , in which the factors and merchandise for the Persian voiage were transported, departed from Gravesend the 19. of June, 1579. which arrived at S. Nicholas in Russia the 22. of July, where the factors and merchants landed, and the merchandise were discharged & laden into doshnikes, that is, barkes of the countrey, to be caried from thence up by river unto Vologda. And the 25. day of ye said Julie, the doshnikes departed from Rose Island by S. Nicholas up the river Dwina, Peremene, that is to say, in poste, by continual sailing, rowing, setting with poles, or drawing of men, which came to Colmogro the 27. day, and departed thence the 29. of Julie up the said river Dwyna, and came to. Ustyoug (which is at the head of the river Dwina, and mouth of Sughano) the 9. of August, where they stayed but a small time, providing some victuals, and shifting certaine of their cassacks or barkmen, & so departed thence the same day up the river Sughano, and came to Totma (which is counted somewhat more then halfe the way from Ustioug) the 15. day, where they shifted some of their cassaks, and departed thence the same day, and came to the citie Vologda the 19. of August, where they landed their goods, and staied at that place till the 30. of the same. Having provided at Vologda, Telegas, or wagons, whereupon they laded their goods, they departed thence with the same by land towards Yeraslave the said 30. of August at eight of the clocke in the morning, and came to the East side of the river Volga over against Yeraslave, with 25. Telegas laden with the said goods the seventh of September at five of the clocke afternoone. Then the three stroogs or barks provided to transport the saide goods to Astracan (where they should meete the ship that should care the same from thence into Persia) came over from Yeraslave unto the same side of the river Volga , and there tooke in the said goods. And having prepared the said barks ready with all necessary furniture they departed with them from Yeraslave downe the river Volga on the 14 day of September at nine of the clocke in the morning, and they arrived at Niznovogrod the 17 day at three of the clocke afternoone, where they shewed the Emperors letters to passe free without paying any custome, and taried there about three houres to provide necessaries, and then departing, arrived at Cazan (or neere the same towne) on the 22. of September at five of the clock afternoone, where (through contrary windes, and for providing new cassaks in the places of some that there went from them) they remained till the 26. day, at what time they departed thence about two of the clocke after noone, and arrived at Tetushagorod, which is on the Crim side of Volga , and in latitude 55. degrees 22. minutes, the 28. day at ten in the forenoone, where they ankered, and remained about 3. houres, and departing thence came to Oveak, which is on the Crims side (on the Western side of Volga ) the fift of October about five of the clocke in the morning. This place is accounted halfe the way betweene Cazan and Astracan: and here there groweth great store of Licoris : the soile is very fruitfull: they found there apple trees, and cherrie trees. The latitude of Oveak is 51. degrees 30. minutes. At this place had bene a very faire stone castle called by the name Oveak, & adjoyning to the same was a towne called by ye Russes, Sodom : this towne & part of the castle (by report of the Russes) was swalowed into the earth by the justice of God, for the wickednesse of the people that inhabited the same. There remaineth at this day to be seene a part of the ruines of the castle, and certaine tombs, wherein as it seemeth have bin laid noble personages : for upon a tombe stone might be perceived the forme of a horse and a man sitting on it with a bow in his hand, and arrowes girt to his side: there was a piece of a scutchion also upon one of the stones, which had characters graven on it, whereof some part had bene consumed with the weather, and the rest left unperfect: but by the forme of them that remained, we judged them to be characters of Armenia : and other characters were graven also upon another tombe stone. Nowe they departed from Oveak the said fift of October at five of the clocke after noone, and came to Peravolok the 10. day about eleven or twelve of the clocke that night, making no abode at that place, but passed alongst by it. This worde Peravolok in the Russe tongue doeth signifie a narrow straight or necke of land betweene two waters, and it is so called by them, because from the river Volga , at that place, to the river Don or Tanais , is counted thirty versts, or as much as a man may well travell on foote in one day. And seven versts beneath, upon an Island called Tsaritsna the Emperour of Russia hath fiftie gunners all the summer time to keepe watch, called by the Tartar name Carawool. Betweene this place and Astracan are five other Carawools or watches.
  1. The first is named Kameni Carawool, and is distant from Peravolok 120, versts.
  2. The second named Stupino Carowool, distant from the first 50. versts.
  3. The third called Polooy Carowool, is 120. versts distant from the second.
  4. The fourth named Keezeyur Carawool, is 50. versts distant from the third.
  5. The fift named Ichkebre, is 30. verst distant from the fourth, and Ichkebre to Astracan is 30. versts.

The 16. of October they arrived at Astracan, with their three stroogs in safetie about nine of the clock in the morning, where they found the ship provided for the Persia voyage in good order & readinesse. The 17. day the foure principal factors of the company, Arthur Edwards, William Turnbull, Matthew Talbois, and Peter Garrard, were invited to dine with the chief diake or secretary of Astracan (Vasili Pheodorovich Shelepin) who declared then unto them the troubles that were in Media and Persia: and how the Turke with helpe of the Crims had conquered, and did possesse the greatest part of Media: also he laid before them that Winter was at hand, & if they should put out with their ship to the sea, they should bee constrained to take what hazards might happen them by wintring in the parts of Media, or els where, for backe againe to that place there was no hope for them to returne: whereupon the said factors determined to stay there all Winter to learne further of the state of those countreis.

The 19. of November the winde being Northerly, there was a great frost, and much ice in the river: the next day being the 20. of November the ice stood in the river, and so continued untill Easter day.

The 22. of December departed this life John Moore the gunner of the ship.

Thursday the 7. of January betweene 8. and 9. of the clocke at night there appeared a crosse proceeding from the moone, with two galles at the South and North end thereof.

The 6. of January being Twelfe day (which they call Chreshenia) the Russes of Astracan brake a hole in the ice upon the river Volga , & hallowed the water with great solemnity according to the maner of their countrey, at which time all the souldiers of the towne shot off their smal pieces upon the ice, and likewise to gratifie the captaine of the castel being a Duke, whose name is Pheodor Michalovich Troiocouria, who stood hard by the ship, beholding them as they were on the river, was shot off all the ordinance of our ship being 15 pieces, viz. 2. faulcons, 2. faulconets, 4. fowlers, 4. fowlers chambers, and 3. other small pieces made for the stroogs to shoote hailestones, and afterwards the great ordinance of the castle was shot off.

On the 31. of January there happened a great eclipse of the moone, which began about 12. of the clocke at night, and continued before she was cleare an houre and a halfe by estimation, which ended the first of February about halfe an houre past one in the morning: she was wholly darkned by the space of halfe an houre.

The 26. of February the towne of Nagay Tartars, called the Yourt, which is within 3. quarters of a mile of the castle of Astracan, by casualty was set on fire about 10. of the clock at night, & continued burning til midnight, whereby one halfe of it was burnt, and much cattell destroyed. The Nagayes that inhabite that towne, are the Emperour of Russia his vassals: It is supposed there are of them inhabiting that place of men, women, and children, the number of seven thousand. That night the Allarum was made in the castle and towne of Astracan. The captaine thereof had all his souldiers in very good order and readinesse, being of them in number two thousand gunners and cassaks, that is to say, a thousand gunners, which are accounted meere souldiers, and are not put to any other service then the use of their pieces, watch, &c. as souldiers which alwaies keepe the castle, and the cassaks also using their pieces, do keepe the towne, and are commonly set to all kind of labours.

The 7. of March 1580. the Nagayes and Crims came before Astracan to the number of one thousand foure hundred horsemen, which incamped round about, but the neerest of them were two Russe versts and a halfe off from the castle and town: some of them lay on the Crims side of Volga , and some on the Nagay side, but none of them came upon the Island that Astracan standeth on. It was said that two of the prince of the Crims his sonnes were amongst them. They sent a messenger on the eight day to the captain of Astracan, to signifie that they would come and visit him: who answered, he was ready to receive them: and taking a great .shot or bullet in his hand, willed the messenger to tel them that they should not want of that geare, so long as it would last. The ninth day newes was brought that the Crims determined to assault the towne or castle, and were making of fagots of reede, to bring with them for that purpose. The tenth day two Russes that were captives, and two of the Tartars bondmen ranne away from the Nagayes, and came into Astracan. The same day word was brought to the Duke of two Nagayes which were seene at Gostine house, supposed to be spies, but were gone againe from thence before they were suspected. This Gostine house is a place a litle without the towne where the Tisiks (or Persian merchants) do usually remaine with their merchandize. The 11. day the said Nagayes, and one more with them, came againe to that house earely in the morning, where they were taken by the Russes, and brought to the captaine of the castle, and being examined, confessed that their comming was onely to seeke two of their bondmen that were runne from them: whereupon their bondmen were delivered to them: which favour the said captaine commonly sheweth if they be not Russies, and they were set at libertie. The 13. day they brake up their camps, and marched to the Northwards into the countrey of Nagay.

The 17. of April the variation of the compasse observed in Astracan was 13. deg. 40. min. from North to West. This spring there came newes to Astracan that the queene of Persia (the king being blind) had bene with a great army against the Turks that were left to possesse Media, and had given them a great overthrow: yet notwithstanding Derbent, & the greatest part of Media were still possessed and kept by the Turks. The factors of the company consulting upon their affayres, determined to leave at Astracan the one halfe of their goods with Arthur Edwards, and with the other halfe the other three factors would proceed in the ship on their purposed voyage to the coast of Media, to see what might be done there: where, if they could not find safe traffike, they determined to proceed to the coast of Gilan , which is a province nere the Caspian sea bordering upon Persia: and therupon appointed the said goods to be laden aboord the ship, and tooke into her also some merchandize of Tisiks or Persian merchants.

The 29. of April Amos Riall, and Anthony Marsh, the companies servants were sent from Astracan by the said factors, up the river Volga to Yeraslave, with letters of advise to be sent for England, and had order for staying the goods in Russia that should come that yeere out of England for mainteining the trade purposed for Persia, untill further triall were made what might be done in those parts.

The first day of May in the morning, having the shippe in readinesse to depart, the factors invited the duke Pheodor Micalovich Proiocoorow, and the principall secretary Vasili Pheodorovich Shelepin, with other of the chiefest about the duke to a banket aboord the ship, where they were interteined to their good liking, and at their departure was shot off all the ordinance of the ship, and about nine of the clocke at night the same day they weyed anker, and departed with their ship from Astracan, and being but litle winde, towed her with the boat about three versts, & then ankered, having with them a pavos or lighter to helpe them at the flats. The second day at foure of the clocke in ye morning they weyed & plyed downe the river Volga toward the Caspian sea. The seventh of May in the morning they passed by a tree that standeth on the left hand of the river as they went downe, which is called Mahomet Agatch, or Mahomets tree, & about three versts further, that is to say, to the Southwards of the said tree is a place called Uchoog, that is to say, the Russe weare: (but Ochoog is the name of a weare in the Tartar tongue) where are certain cotages, and the Emperour hath lying at that place certaine gunners to gard his fishermen that keepe the weare. This Uchoog is counted from Astracan 60. versts: they proceeded downe the said river without staying at the Uchoog. The ninth and tenth dayes they met with shoald water, and were forced to lighten their ship by the pavos : the 11. day they sent backe to the Uchoog for an other pavos : This day by mischance the shippe was bilged on the grapnell of the pavos, whereby the company had sustained great losses, if the chiefest part of their goods had not beene layde into the pavos : for notwithstanding their pumping with 3. pumps, heaving out water with buckets, and all the best shifts they could make, the shippe was halfe full of water ere the leake could be found and stopt. The 12. day the pavos came to them from the Uchoog, whereby they lighted the shippe of all the goods. The 13. day in the morning there came to them a small boat, sent by the captaine of Astracan, to learne whether the shippe were at sea cleere of the flats. The 15. day by great industry and travell they got their ship cleare off the shoales and flats, wherewith they had beene troubled from the ninth day untill then: they were forced to passe their shippe in three foot water or lesse. The 16. day they came to the Chetera Bougori, or Island of Foure Hillocks, which are counted forty versts from Uchoog, and are the furthest land towards the sea. The 17. day they bare off into the sea, and being about twelve versts from the Foure hillocks, riding in five foot and a halfe water about eleven of the clocke in the forenoone, they tooke their goods out of the pavoses into the shippe, and filled their shippe with all things necessary. The 18. day in the morning about seven of the clock, the pavoses being discharged departed away towards Astracan, the winde then at Southeast, they road still with the shippe, and observing the elevation of the pole at that place, found it to be 45. degrees 20. minuts. The 19. day, the wind Southeast, they road still. The 20. day the winde at Northwest they set saile about one of the clocke in the morning, & stered thence South by West, & Southsouthwest about 3. leagues, and then ankered in 6. foot and a halfe water, about nine of ye clocke before noone, at which time it fell calme: the elevation of the pole at that place 45. degrees 13. minuts. The 21. having the winde at Northwest, they set saile, and stered thence South by West, and South untill eleven of the clocke, and had then nine foote water : and at noone they observed the latitude, and found it to be 44. degrees 47 minuts: then had they three fathoms and a halfe water, being cleare of the flats. It is counted from the Foure hillockes to the sea about fiftie versts. From the said noonetide untill foure of the clocke they sayled South by East five leagues and a halfe: then had they five fathoms and a halfe and brackish water: from that till twelve at night they sayled South by East halfe a league, East tenne leagues: then had they eleven fathome, and the water salter. From that till the 22. day three of the clocke in the morning they sayled three & fifty leagues, then had they sixtene fathome water: from thence they sayled until noone South and by West seven leagues and a halfe, the latitude then observed 43. degrees 15. minuts, the depth then eight and twentie fathoms, and shallow ground: from that untill eight of the clocke at night, they sayled South by East five leagues and a halfe, then had they three and fortie fathoms shallow ground. From thence till the 23. foure a clocke in the morning, they sailed Southsouthwest three leagues and a halfe: then could they get no ground in two and fiftie fathoms deepe. From thence untill noone they sayled South nine leagues, then the latitude observed was 42. degrees 20. minuts. From that till the 24. day at noone they sayled South by West seventeene leagues and a halfe, then the latitude observed was 41. degrees 32. minuts. From noone till seven of the clocke at night, they sailed Southsouthwest foure leagues, then had they perfect sight of high land or hilles, which were almost covered with snow, and the mids of them were West from the ship, being then about twelve leagues from the nearest land: they sounded but could finde no ground in two hundred fathoms. From thence they sailed Southwest until midnight: about three leagues from thence till the 25. day foure of the clock in the morning, they sayled West three leagues, being then litle winde, and neere the land, they tooke in their sayles, and lay hulling: at noone the latitude observed, was 40. degrees 54. minuts: they sounded but could get no ground in two hundred fathoms. At four of the clocke in the afternoone, the winde Northwest, they set their sailes, & from thence till the 26. day at noone they sailed East southeast foure leagues. From thence they sailed till eight of the clocke at night Southwest three leagues, the winde then at North. From thence they sailed untill the 27. day two of the clocke in the morning, Westsouthwest eight leagues, the winde blowing at North very much. From the sayd two til foure of the clocke they sailed South by West one league: then being day light, they saw the land plaine, which was not past three leagues from them, being very high ragged land. There were certaine rocks that lay farre off into the sea, about five leagues from the same land, (which are called Barmake Tash) they sayled betweene those rocks and the land, and about five of the clocke they passed by the port Bilbill, where they should have put in but could not: and bearing longst the shoare about two of the clocke afternoone, they came to Bildih in the countrey of Media or Shervan, against which place they ankered in 9. foot water. Presently after they were at anker, there came aboord of them a boat, wherein were seven or eight persons, two Turks, the rest Persians, the Turkes vassals, which bade them welcome, and seemed to be glad of their arrivall, who told the factors that the Turke had conquered all Media, or the countrey Shervan, and how that the Turks Basha remained in Derbent with a garrison of Turkes, and that Shamaky was wholly spoyled, and had few or no inhabitants left in it. The factours then being desirous to come to the speech of the Basha, sent one of the Tisikes (or merchants that went over with them from Astracan, passingers) and one of the companies servants Robert Golding, with those souldiours, to the captaine of Bachu, which place standeth hard by the sea, to certifie him of their arrivall, and what commodities they had brought, and to desire friendshippe to have quiet and safe traffike for the same. Bachu is from Bildih, the place where they road, about a dayes journey, on foote easily to be travelled, which may be sixe leagues the next way over land: it is a walled towne, and strongly fortified. When the sayd messenger came to the captaine of Bachu, the said captaine gave him very friendly intertainment, and after he understood what they were that were come in the shippe, and what they had brought, he seemed to rejoyce much thereat: who gave the said Golding licence to depart backe the next day, being the eight and twentieth day: and promised that he would himselfe come to the shippe the next day following: with which answere the said Golding returned and came to the shippe the sayd eight and twentieth day about nine of the clocke at night. The nine and twentieth day in the morning the factours caused a tent to be set up at shoare neare the shippe, against the comming of the sayd captaine : who came thither about three of the clocke after noone, and brought about thirtie souldiers, that attended on him, in shirts of male, and some of them had gauntlets of silver, others of steele, and very faire. The factors met him at their tent, and after very friendly salutations passed betweene them, they gave him for a present a garment of cloth of velvet, and another of scarlet, who accepted the same gratefully. After they had talked together by their interpreters, as well of the state of the voyage and cause of their comming thither, as also learned of the sayde captaine the state of that countrey, the factours made request unto him, that he would helpe them to the speech of the Basha, who answered that their demand was reason able, and that he would willingly shew them therein what pleasure he could, and sayd, because the way to Derbent, where the Basha remayned, was dangerous, he would send thither, and certifie him of their arrivall, and what commodities they had brought, and such commodities as they would desire to exchange or barter the same for he would procure the said Basha to provide for them: and therefore willed the factors to consult together, and certifie him what they most desired, and what quantity they would have provided: so whilest the factors were consulting together thereupon, the captaine talked with a Tisike merchant that came over in the ship with them from Astracan, which Tisike, among other matters in talke, certified the captaine, that the night before, the factors & their company were determined to have returned backe againe to Astracan, and that they were about to wey their ankers, which in deed was true, but the maister of the barke Thomas Hudson of Limehouse perswaded them that the wind was not good for them to depart, &c. When the factors came againe to talke with the captaine, they desired to goe to the Basha, and that he would safely conduct them thither: he granted their requests willingly, desiring them to goe with him to a village hard by, and there to abide with him that night, and the next day they should go to Bachu, and from thence proceed on their journey to Derbent. They were unwilling to go that night with him, because their provision for the way was not in readinesse, but requested that they might stay til the morning. Thereupon the captaine sayd it was reported unto him, that they ment the night before to have gone away: and if it should so happen, he were in great danger of loosing his head: for which cause he requested to have some one for a pledge: wherefore M. Garrard one of the factors offered himselfe to go, who, because he could not speake the Russe tongue, tooke with him Christopher Burrough, and a Russe interpretour: that night they road from the seaside, to a village about ten miles off, where at supper time the captaine had much talke with M. Garrard of our countrey, demanding where about it did lie, what countreys were neare unto it, and with whom we had traffike, for by the Russe name of our countrey he could not conjecture who we should be: but when by the situation he perceived we were Englishmen, he demanded if our prince were a mayden Queene: which when he was certified of, then (quoth he) your land is called Enghilterra, is it not? answere was made, it was so: whereof he was very glad when he knew the certainety. He made very much of them, placing M. Garrard next to himselfe, and Christopher Burrough, with the Russie interpretour for the Turkie tongue hard by. There was a Gillan merchant with him at that present, of whom he seemed to make great account: him he placed next to himselfe on the other side, and his gentlemen sate round about him talking together. Their sitting is upon the heeles, or crosse legged.

Supper being brought in, he requested them to eate. After their potage (which was made of rice) was done, and likewise their boyled meat, there came in platters of rice sodden thicke, and hony mingled withall: after all which, came a sheepe rosted whole, which was brought in a tray, and set before the captaine: he called one of his servitours, who cut it in pieces, and laying therof upon divers platters, set the same before the captaine: then the captaine gave to M. Garrard and his company one platter, and to his gentlemen another, and to them which could not well reach he cast meat from the platters which were before him. Divers questions he had with M. Garrard and Christopher Burrough at supper time, about their diet, inquiring whether they eat fish or flesh voluntarily, or by order. Their drinke in those partes is nothing but water. After supper (walking in the garden) the captaine demanded of M. Garrard, whether the use was in England to lie in the house or in the garden, and which he had best liking of: he answered, where it pleased him, but their use was to lie in houses : whereupon the captaine caused beds to be sent into the house for them, and caused his kinsman to attend on them in the night, if they chanced to want any thing: he himselfe with his gentlemen and souldiers lying in the garden.

In the morning very early he sent horse for the rest of the company which should go to Derbent, sending by them that went tenne sheepe for the shippe. In that village there was a Stove, into which the captaine went in the morning, requesting M. Garrard to go also to the same to wash himselfe, which he did. Shortly after their comming out of the Stove, whilest they were at breakfast, M. Turnbull, M. Tailboyes, and Thomas Hudson the M. of the shippe, came thither, and when they had all broken their fasts, they went to Bachu : but Christopher Burrough returned to the ship, for that he had hurt his leg, and could not well endure that travell. And from Bachu they proceeded towards Derbent, as it was by the captaine promised, being accompanied on their way for their safe conduct, with a gentleman, and certaine souldiers, which had the captaine of Bachu his letters to the Basha of Derbent, very friendly written in their behalfe. In their journey to Derbent they forsooke the ordinarie wayes, being very dangerous, and travelled thorow woods till they came almost to the towne of Derbent: and then the gentleman road before with the captaines letters to the Basha, to certifie him of the English merchants comming, who receiving the letters, and understanding the matter, was very glad of the newes, and sent forth to receive them certaine souldiers gunners, who met them about two miles out of the towne, saluting them with great reverence, and afterwardes road before them: then againe met them other souldiours, somewhat neerer the castle, which likewise having done their salutations road before them, and then came foorth noble men, captaines, and gentlemen, to receive them into the castle and towne. As they entred the castle, there was a shot of twentie pieces of great ordinance, & the Basha sent M. Turnbull a very faire horse with furniture to mount on, esteemed to be worth an hundred markes, and so they were conveyed to his presence: who after he had talked with them, sent for a coate of cloth of golde, and caused it to be put on M. Turnbulles backe, and then willed them all to depart, and take their ease, for that they were wearie of their journey, and on the morrow he would talke further with them. The next day when ye factors came againe to the presence of the Basha, according to his appointment, they requested him that he would grant them his privilege, whereby they might traffike safely in any part and place of his countrey, offering him, that if it pleased his Majestie to have any of the commodities that they had brought, and to write his mind thereof to the captaine of Bachu, it should be delivered him accordingly. The Bashaes answere was, that he would willingly give them his privilege: yet for that he regarded their safetie, having come so farre, & knowing the state of his countrey to be troublesome, he would have them to bring their commodity thither, & there to make sale of it, promising he would provide such commodities as they needed, and that he would be a defence unto them, so that they should not be injured by any: wherupon the factors sent Thomas Hudson backe for ye ship to bring her to Derbent, and the Basha sent a gentleman with him to the captaine of Bachu, to certifie him what was determined, which message being done, the captaine of Bachu, and the Bashaes messenger, accompanied with a doozen souldiours, went from Bachu with Thomas Hudson, & came to the ship at Bildih the 11 day of June. After the captaine and his men had beene aboord and. scene the ship, they all departed presently, but the gentleman, messenger from ye Basha, with three other Turks, remained aboord, and continued in the ship till she came to Derbent: the latitude of Bildih by divers observations is 40. degrees 25. minuts: the variation of the compasse 10. degrees 40. minuts from North to West. After the returne of Thomas Hudson backe to Bildih, they were constrayned to remaine there with the shippe through contrary windes untill the 16. day of June foure of the clocke in the morning, at which time they weyed anker, set saile and departed thence towards Derbent, and arrived at anker against Derbent East and by South from the sayd castle in foure fathome and a halfe water, the 22. day of June at ten of the clocke in the morning: then they tooke up their ordinance, which before they had stowed in hold for easing the shippe in her rowling. In the afternoone the Basha came downe to the waterside against the shippe, and having the said ordinance placed, and charged, it was all shotte off to gratifie him: and presently after his departure backe, he permitted the factors to come aboord the shippe. The 29. day their goods were unladen and carried to the Bashaes garden, where he made choyce of such things as he liked, taking for custome of every five & twenty karsies, or whatsoever, one, or after the rate of foure for the hundred. The factors after his choyce made, determined to send a part of the rest of the goods to Bachu, for the speedier making sale thereof, for which cause they obtained the Bashaes letter to the captaine of Bachu, written very favourably in their behoofe: and thereupon was laden and sent in a small boat of that countrey in merchandize, to the value (very neere) of one thousand pound sterling: videlicet, one hundreth pieces of karsies, seven broad clothes, two barrels of cochenelio, two barrels of tinne, foure barrels of shaffe. There went with the same of the companies servants William Winckle, Robert Golding, and Richard Relfe, with two Russies, whereof one was an interpreter, besides foure barkemen. They departed from Derbent with the said barke the 19. of July, and arrived at Bildih the 25. day: their passage and carriage of their goods to Bachu was chargeable, although their sales when they came thither were small: they had great friendship shewed them of the captaine of Bachu, as well for the Bashaes letter, as also for the factors sakes, who had dealt friendly with him, as before is declared. Robert Golding desirous to understand what might be done at Shamaky, which is a dales journey from Bachu, went thither, from whence returning, he was set on by theeves, and was shot into the knee with an arrow, who had very hardly escaped with his life & goods, but that by good hap he killed one of the theeves horses with his caliver, and shot a Turke thorow both cheeks with a dag. On the sixt day of August the factors being advertised at Derbent that their ship was so rotten & weake, that it was doubtfull she would not carry them backe to Astracan, did therupon agree and bargen at that place with an Armenian, whose name was Jacob, for a barke called a Busse, being of burden about 35. tunnes, which came that yere from Astracan, and was at that instant riding at an Island called Zere, about three or foure leagues beyond or to the Eastwardes of Bildih, which barke for their more safety, they ment to have with them in their returne to Astracan, and therupon wrote unto Wincoll and the rest at Bachu, that they should receive the same Busse, and lade in her their goods at Bildih to be returned to Derbent, and to discharge their first boate, which was observed by them accordingly. When all their goods were laden aboord the sayd Busse at Bildih, and being ready to have departed thence for Derbent, there arose a great storme with the winde out of the sea, by force whereof the cables and halsers were broken, and their vessell put a shoare, and broken to pieces against the rockes : every of them that were in her saved their lives, and part of the goods. But there was a Carobia or cheste, wherein were dollers, and golde, which they had received for the commodities of the company, which they sold at Bachu, which at the taking out of the Busse, fell by the barkes side into the water amongst the rockes, and so was lost. The packes of cloth which they could not well take out of the Busse were also lost, other things that were more profitable they saved.

The 18. of August, the Factors received from the Basha 500. Batmans of raw silke, parcell of the bargaine made with him, who bade them come the next day for the rest of the bargaine.

The 19. day the Factors went to the Basha according to his appointment, but that day they could not speake with him, but it was delivered them as from him, that they should looke and consider whether any thing were due unto him or not, which grieved the Factors: and thereupon M. Turnebull answered, that their heads & all that they had were at the Bashaes pleasure: But then it was answered there was no such matter in it: but that they should cast up their reckonings, to see how it stood betweene them. The 20. day they cast up their reckonings. The 21. they went to have spoken with the Basha, but were denied audience.

The 22. day they heard newes by a Busse that came from Astracan, that Arthur Edwards (whom the Factors left at Astracan with the moietie of the goods) was dead, who departed this life the of

The 23. day the Factors received more from the Basha 500. Batmans of silke. The 4. of September newes was brought to Derbent, that Golding comming from Shamaky was set on by theeves (Turkes) and had hurt one of them.

The 5. Tobias Atkins the gunners boy died of the fluxe, who was buried the 6. day 2. miles to the Southward of the Castle of Derbent, where the Armenian Christians do usually bury their dead. About the 20. of September newes came to Derbent, that the Busse which they had bought of Jacob the Armenian as before, was cast away at Bildih, but they received no certaine newes in writing from any of our people.

The 26. of September was laden aboord the ship 40. bales of silke. From the 26. till the 2. of October, they tooke into the ship, bread, water, and other necessary provision for their sea store: the said 2. day of October, the Factors were commanded upon the suddaine to avoide their house, and get them with their provision out of the towne: Whereupon they were constrained to remove and carry their things to the sea side against the ship, and remained there all the night. The cause of this sudden avoyding them out of the towne (as afterwards they perceived) was for that the Basha had received newes of a supplie with treasure that the Turke had sent, which was then neare at hand comming toward him.

The 3. day of October all things were brought from the shoare aboord the ship: and that day the Factors went to the Basha to take their leave of him, unto whom they recommended those the Companies servants, &c. which they had sent to Bachu, making accompt to leave them behinde in the Countrey: who caused their names to be written, and promised they should want nothing, nor be injuried of any. After this leave taken, the Factors went aboord purposing presently to have set saile and departed towards Astracan, the winde serving well for that purpose at South Southeast: And as they were readie to set saile, there came against the ship a man, who weved: whereupon the boate was sent a shoare to him, who was an Armenian sent from William Wincoll, with his writing tables, wherein the said Wincoll had written briefly, the mishap of the losse of the Busse, and that they were comming from Bildih towardes Derbent, they, and such things as they saved with a small boate, forced to put a shoare in a place by the sea side called the Armenian village: Whereupon the Factors caused the shippe to stay, hoping that with the Southerly winde that then blew, they would come from the place they were at to the ship, but if they could not come with that winde, they ment to saile with the shippe, with the next wind that would serve them, against the place where they were, & take them in, if they could: which stay and losse of those Southerly windes, was a cause of great troubles, that they afterwardes sustained through yce, &c. entring the Volga as shalbe declared.

The 4. day the winde South Southeast, the shippe rode still: This day Christopher Burrow was sent to shore to Derbent to provide some necessaries for the voyage, & with him a Tisike or two, which should goe in the shippe passengers to Astracan. And being on shoare he saw there the comming in of the Turkes treasure, being accompanied with 200. souldiers, and one hundreth pioners, besides Captaines and Gentlemen: the Basha with his Captaines and souldiers very gallantly apparelled and furnished went out from Derbent about three or foure miles, to meete the said treasure, and received the same with great joy and triumph. Treasure was the chiefe thing they needed, for not long before the souldiers were readie to breake into the Court against the Basha for their pay: there was a great mutinie amongst them, because hee had long differred and not payed them their due. The treasure came in seven wagons, and with it were brought tenne pieces of brasse.

In the parts of Media where they were, there was no commoditie to be bought of any value, but raw silke, neither was that to be had but at the Bashaes hands: who shortly after their comming thither taxed the Countrey for that commoditie. His dealing with our Marchants as it was not with equitie in all points according to his bargaine, so it was not extreme ill. Of the commodities they carried hee tooke the chiefest part, for which he gave but a small price in respect of the value it was there worth, and because he had provided such quantitie of commoditie for them, which otherwise they could not have had, the Countrey being so troublesome, and travaile by land so dangerous, he used them at his pleasure.

The newes that was reported unto them at Astracan touching the warres betweene the Turkes & Persians differed litle from the truth: for the Turkes armie with aide of the Crims, (being in number by ye information of two Spaniards that served in those wars, about 200000) invaded and conquered the Countrey of Media in Anno 1577. When the great Turke understood of the conquest, he appointed Osman Basha (the said Basha, and now Captaine of Derbent) governour of the whole Countrey, who settled himselfe in Shamaky the chiefe Citie of Media, and principall place of traffike, unto whom was sent from the great Turke, in signification of the gratefull acceptation of his service and the great conquest, a sword of great value.

After the said Basha had brought the Countrey in order to his liking, and placed garrisons where he thought convenient, the armie was dissolved and sent backe: When the Persians understood that the Turkes armie was dissolved and returned, they gathered a power together, and with the Queene of their Countrey as chiefe, they entred the Countrey of Media, and overranne the same with fire and sword, destroying whatsoever they found, as well people, cattell, as whatsoever els, that might be commodious to the Turkes. And after they had so over runne the Countrey, they came to Shamaky, where the said Basha Lieutenant generall of the great Turke was settled, and besieged it: whereupon the Basha seeing hee could not long indure to withstande them, fled thence to Derbent where he now remaineth.

Derbent is a strong Castle which was built by Alexander the great, the situation whereof is such, that the Persians being without Ordinance, are not able to winne it but by famine. When the Turkes were fled from Shamaky, the Persians entred the same and spoyled it, leaving therein neither living creature nor any commoditie, and so returned backe into Persia, and setled themselves about Teveris, where there grewe some question among them for the kingdome. Afterwards the Persians having intelligence of an armie from the Turke comming into Media, gathered themselves together in a great armie and encountring the said Turkes, set upon them on the sudden, and vanquished them, putting them all to the sword. This overthrow of the Turkes grieved the Basha of Derbent, and made him to have the more care for his owne safetie. Moreover, newes was brought unto him that the Kisal Bashaes, (that is to say the nobles and Gentlemen of Persia) were minded to set upon him, and that neere unto Bachu there lay an army readie to besiege it. Whereupon the Basha oftentimes would ride about the Castle of Derbent viewing the same, and the springs that did come to it, and where he saw any cause of reformation, it was amended.

The latitude of Derbent (by divers observations exactly there made) is 41. deg 52. min. The variation of the Compasse at that place about 11. degrees from North to West. From Derbent to Bildih by land 46. leagues. From Derbent to Shamaky by land 45. leagues. From Shamaky to Bachu about 10. leagues, which may be 30. miles. From Bachu to Bildih five or sixe leagues by land, but by water about 12. leagues. From the Castle Derbent Eastwards, there reach two stone wals to the border of the Caspian sea, which is distant one English mile. Those wals are 9. foote thicke, and 28. or 30. foote high, and the space betweene them is 160. Geometricall paces, that is 800. foot. There are yet to be perceived of the ruine of those wals, which do now extend into the sea about halfe a mile: also from the castle Westward into the land, they did perceive the ruines of a stone wall to extend, which wal, as it is reported, did passe from thence to Pontus Euxinus, and was built by Alexander the great when the castle Derbent was made.

The 5 of October about noone the winde Northnortheast they wayed ancre, and set saile from Derbent, being alongst the coast to the Southwards to seeke their men: but as they had sailed about foure leagues the winde scanted Easterly, so that they were forced to ancre in three fathom water.

The 6 day they wayed ancre, and bare further off into the sea, where they ancred in seven fathom water, the ship being very leake, and so rotten abaft the maine mast, that a man with his nailes might scrape thorow her side.

The 7 day about 7 of the clocke in the morning, they set saile, the winde Southwest. They considered the time of the yere was far spent, the ship weake, leake and rotten, and therefore determining not to tary any longer for Wincoll and his fellowes, but to leave them behinde, bent themselves directly towards Astracan: and sailing Northnortheast untill midnight about 16 leagues, the winde then came to the Northnorthwest, and blew much, a very storme, which caused them to take in all their sailes, saving the fore corse, with which they were forced to steere before the sea, South by West, and Southsouthwest. And on the 8 day about two of the clocke in the morning their great boat sunke at the ships sterne, which they were forced to cut from the ship to their great griefe and discomfort: for in her they hoped to save their lives if the ship should have miscaried. About 10 of the clocke before noone they had sight of the land about 5 leagues to the South of Derbent, and bare longst the coast to the Southeastwards unto Nezavoo, where they came at an ancre in three fathoms, and blacke oze, good ancre holde, whereof they were glad, as also that the winde was shifted to the Northwest, and but a meane gale. Wincoll and the rest of his fellowes being in the Armenian village, which is about 18 versts to the Westwards of Nezavoo, the place whereagainst they rode at ancre, saw the ship as she passed by that place, and sent a man in the night following alongst the coast after her, who came against the ship where she rode, and with a firebrand in the top of a tree made signes, which was perceived by them in the shippe, whereupon they hoised out their skiffe, and sent her ashore to learne what was meant by the fire: which returned a letter from Wincoll, wherein he wrote that they were with such goods as they had at the Armenian village, and prayed that there they might with the same goods be taken into the ships. The 9 day it was litle winde, they wayed and bare a little further off into the sea towards the said village, and ancred. The 10 day they sent their skiffe to the Armenian village to fetch those men and the goods they had, with order that if the winde served, that they could not returne to fetch the ship, they of the ship promised to come for them, against the said village. This day it was calme.

The 11 day the winde Northwest they rode still. The 12 day the winde Southeast they wayed ancre, & bare against & nere to the Armenian village where they ancred, and then the skiffe came aboord and tolde them that our people at shore were like to be spoiled of the Tartars, were it not that the gunners defended them: then was the skiffe sent backe againe to charge them at any hand they should hasten aboord the ship whatsoever it cost them. Whereupon, all the company came aboord the same day saving Richard Relfe and two Russes, but assoone as the skiffe was returned aboord the ship, the winde blew at Southeast, and the sea was growen, so as they were forced to take in their skiffe into the ship, and rode stil till the 13 day, and then being faire weather, early in the morning the skiffe was hoised out of the ship, and sent to shore to fetch the said Relfe and the two Russes, which were ready at the shore side, and with them two Spaniards that were taken captives at the Goletta in Barbary, which served the Turke as souldiers. Those Spaniards (of Christian charity) they brought also aboord the ship to redeeme them from their captivity, which were brought over into England, and set free and at liberty here in London, in September 1581. The winde this day at Northnortheast, faire weather. The 14 day they sent the skiffe to shore, and filled fresh water. The 15 day they rode still, being litle winde and fog. The 16 day the winde Eastsoutheast, they wayed ancre and set saile, bearing Northwards towards Astracan, and the same night they ancred in ten fathoms water, about five miles from the shore of the Shalkaules countrey, which place is eight leagues Nortnorthwest from Derbent. The 17 day the winde at North very stormy, they rode still all that day and night. The 18 the winde all Southeast about one of the clocke afternoone, they wayed ancre, and sailed thence till foure of the clocke Northnortheast sixe leagues, then they might see the land Northwest about tenne leagues from the winde Southeast: from thence they sailed til midnight Northnortheast twelve leagues. From thence till the 19 day seven a clocke in the morning they sailed Northnortheast eight leagues: the winde then Eastsoutheast, a faire gale, they sounded and had 17 fathoms, and sand, being (as the Master judged) about the head of Shetly: from thence till 12 of the clocke at noone they sailed North 5 leagues, the winde then at East a faire gale, they sounded and had 5 fathoms. From thence till 8 of the clocke at night, they sailed North 7 leagues, the winde then at Northeast with small raine, they tooke in their sailes, and ancred in 3 fathoms water and soft oze, where they rode still all night, and the 20 day and night the winde Northeast, as before with small raine

The 21 day the winde Northwest, they likewise rode still. The 22 day about 3 of the clocke in the afternoone, they wayed ancre, the winde Westnorthwest, and sailed from thence till sixe of the clocke at night North 4 leagues, then they ancred in 2 fathoms and a halfe soft oze, the winde at West a small breath.

The 23 day about 7 of the clocke in the morning, they wayed ancre, and set saile, being litle winde Easterly, and sailed till 2 of the clocke after noone Northwest in with the shore about sixe leagues, and then ancred in 6 foot water, having perfect sight of the low land (sand hilles) being about 3 miles from the nerest land. This place of the land that they were against, they perceived to be to the Westwards of the 4 Islands (called in the Russe tongue Chetera Bougori) and they found it afterwards by due proofe, to be about 50 versts, or 30 English miles to the Southwest, or Southwest by South, from the sayd Chetera Bougori.

The 24 day the winde at East, and by South, a Sea winde called Gillavar, caused them to ride still. The 25 day they thought good to send in their skiffe Robert Golding, and certaine Russes, to row him alongst Northwards by the shore, to seeke the foure Islands, and so to passe unto the Uchooge, and there to land the sayd Robert Golding to proceed to Astracan, to deliver Amos Riall a letter, wherein he was required to provide Pavoses to meet the shippe at the sayd Islands, and the skiffe with the Russes were appointed to returne from the Uchooge with victuals to the shippe, which skiffe departed from the shippe about nine of the clocke in the forenoone. The 26, 27, 28, and 29 dayes, the windes Easterly and Northeast, they rode still with their ship. The 30 day the winde Southeast, they wayed, and set saile to the Northeastwards: but the ship fell so on the side to the shorewards, that they were forced eftsoones to take in their saile, and ancre againe, from whence they never removed her. That day they shared their bread: but in their want God sent them two covies of partridges, that came from the shore, and lighted in and about their ships, whereby they were comforted, and one that lay sicke, of whose life was small hope, recovered his health.

The 4 of November the skiffe returned to the ship with some victuals, and certified that the foure Islands were about 600 versts from them to the Northeastwards. When Robert Golding came to Astracan, and delivered there the Factors letters to Amos Rial, the duke, captaine of that place, was done to understand of the ships arrivall, & of the state they were in, and their request for Pavoses, who was very glad to heare of their safe returne, and appointed to be sent with all speed two Pavoses and a Stroog, with gunners to gard and to defend them. With the which Stroog and Pavoses, Amos Riall went downe to the Chetera Bougori, or 4. Islands aforesayd, where he stayed with those barks, according to the Factors appointment. The 5 day they purposed to send from the ship their skiffe with the carpenter, and 4 Russes to row him to the 4 Bougories, to request Amos Riall to come from thence with the Pavoses to the shippe with all possible speed. The skiffe with those men departed from the ship in the morning, and within one houre they met with a small boat with Russes, rowing towards the ship, which came from the Ouchooge with a wilde swine and other victuals to sell : with the same boat the skiffe returned backe to the ship after the Russes had received and were satisfied for the victuals they brought: the same day they returned with their boat backe toward the Ouchooge, and with them in the same boat was sent the Carpenter of the shippe to the Chetera Bougori, which were in their way, to declare unto Amos Riall the message before appointed him. From the 5 untill the 9 day the ship rode still with contrary winds Easterly. The same 9 day came to the shippe certaine Russes in a small boat, which brought with them some victuals sent by Amos Riall, and declared that he with the Pavoses and Stroog had remained at the Chetera Bougori five dayes, expecting the comming thither of the ship. The 10 day being doubtfull of the Pavoses comming, they sent Thomas Hudson Master of the ship in the skiffe (and with her went the foresayd skiffe boat) towards the Chetera Bougori to the Pavoses to bring word whether they would come to the ship or not, the wind then at Northeast with fogge. The 11 day the winde Northerly with fogge, the ship rode still. The 12 day Amos Riall, Christopher Fawcet, and a new gunner came to the ship, and with them the M. Thomas Hudson returned; but the Stroog with the gunners remained at the Chetera Bougori; and from thence (when it began to freese) returned to Astracan. Amos Riall declared that he sent the carpenter backe from the Chetera Boogori in a small boat on the 10 day, and marvelled that he was not come to the shippe (but in the fogge the day before as afterwards they learned) missed the shippe, and overshot her, and afterwards returning backe, he found the ship at ancre, and nothing in her but the Russes that were left to keepe her, and then he departed thence, and went to the Uchooge, and there stayed. Presently upon the comming of the Pavoses to the ship they used as much speed as might be, to get the goods out of the shippe into them, and after the goods were laden in, they tooke in also of the shippes ordinance, furniture and provision, as much as they could.

The 13 day in the morning Amos Riall was sent away in a small boat towards Astracan, to provide victuals and cariages to relieve and helpe them, who could passe no further then the foure Islands, but was there overtaken with yce, and forced to leave his boat, and from thence passed poste to Astracan, finding at the Uchooge the Carpenter returned from his ill journey, very ill handled with the extremity of the colde. The same day they departed also in those lighters with the goods towards the Chetera Bougori, leaving the ship at ancre, and in her two Russes, which with three more that went in the Pavoses, to provide victuals for themselves and the rest, & therewith promised to returne backe to the ship with all speed, had offered to undertake for twenty rubbles in money to cary the ship into some harborow, where she might safely winter, or els to keepe her where she rode all winter, which was promised to be given them if they did it: and the same day when with those lighters they had gotten sight of the foure Islands being about eight versts Southwest from them, the winde then at Northeast, did freese the sea so as they could not row, guide, stirre or remove the said lighters, but as the winde and yce did force them. And so they continued driving with the yce, Southeast into the sea by the space of forty houres, and then being the sixteenth day the yce stood. Whiles they drove with the yce, the dangers which they incurred were great: for oftentimes when the yce with the force of winde and sea did breake, pieces of it were tossed and driven one upon another with great force, terrible to beholde, and the same happened at sometimes so neere unto the lighters, that they expected it would have overwhelmed them to their utter destruction: but God who had preserved them from many perils before, did also save and deliver them then.

Within three or foure dayes after the first standing of the yce, when it was firme and strong, they tooke out all their goods, being fourty and eight bales or packes of raw silke, &c. layde it on the yce, and covered the same with such provisions as they had. Then for want of victuals, &c. they agreed to leave all the goods there upon the yce, and to go to the shore: and thereupon brake up their Chests and Corobias, wherewith, and with such other things as they could get, they made sleddes for every of them to draw upon the yce, whereon they layed their clothes to keepe them warme, and such victuals as they had, and such other things as they might conveniently cary, and so they departed from the sayd goods and Pavoses very earely about one of the clocke in the morning, and travailing on the yce, directed their way North, as neere as they could judge, and the same day about two of the clocke in the afternoone, they had sight of the Chetera Babbas (foure hillocks of Islands so called) unto the same they directed themselves, and there remained that night.

The goods and Pavoses which they left on the yce they judged to be from those Chetera Babbas about 20 versts.

And the next morning departed thence Eastwards, and came to the Chetera Bougories (or foure Islands before spoken of) before noone (the distance betweene those places is about 15 versts) where they remained all that night, departing thence towards Astracan: the next morning very early they lost their way through the perswasion of the Russes which were with them, taking too much towards the left hand (contrary to the opinion of M. Hudson) whereby wandering upon the yce foure or five dayes, not knowing whether they were entred into the Crimme Tartars land or not, at length it fortuned they met with a way that had bene travailed, which crost backwards towards the sea: that way they tooke, and following the same, within two days travaile it brought them to a place called the Crasnoyare (that is to say in the English tongue) Red cliffe, which divers of the company knew.

There they remained that night, having nothing to eat but one loafe of bread, which they happened to finde with the two Russes that were left in the ship to keepe her all the Winter (as is aforesaid) whom they chanced to meet going towards Astracan, about five miles before they came to the sayd Crasnoyare, who certified them that the ship was cut in pieces with the yce, and that they had hard scaping with their lives.

In the morning they departed early from Crasnoyare towards the Ouchooge, and about 9 of the clocke before noone, being within 10 versts of the Uchooge, they met Amos Riall, with the carpenter, which he found at Ouchooge, and a gunner newly come out of England, and also 65 horses with so many Cassacks to guide them, and 50 gunners for gard, which brought provision of victuals, &c. and were sent by the Duke to fetch the goods to Astracan. The meeting of that company was much joy unto them.

The factors sent backe with Amos Riall and the sayd company to fetch the goods, Thomas Hudson the Master, Tobias Paris his Mate, and so they the sayd Factors and their company marched on to the Uchooge, where they refreshed themselves that day, and the night following. And from thence proceeded on towards Astracan, where they arrived the last day of November. These that went for the goods after their departure from the Factors travailed the same day untill they came within 10 versts of the Chetera Babbas, where they rested that night. The next morning by the breake of the day they departed thence, and before noone were at the Chetera Babas, wher they stayed all night; but presently departed thence Thomas Hudson with the Carpenter and gunner to seeke where the goods lay: who found the same, and the next day they returned backe to their company at the Chetera Babbas, and declared unto them in what sort they had found the sayd goods.

The 3 day early in the morning they departed all from the 4 Babbas towards the said goods, and the same day did lade all the goods they could find upon the said sleds, and with all convenient speed returned backe towards Astracan. And when they came to the Chetera Bougori, where they rested the night, in the morning very early before the breake of day, they were assaulted by a great company of the Nagays Tartars horsemen, which came showting and hallowing with a great noise, but our people were so invironed with the sleds, that they durst not enter upon them, but ranne by, and shot their arrowes amongst them, and hurt but one man in the head, who was a Russe , and so departed presently. Yet when it was day, they shewed themselves a good distance off from our men, being a very great troope of them, but did not assault them any more. The same day our men with those cariages, departed from thence towards Astracan, where they arrived in safety the 4 of December, about 3 of the clocke in the afternoone, where our people greatly rejoyced of their great good happe to have escaped so many hard events, troubles and miseries, as they did in that voyage, and had great cause therefore to praise the Almighty, who had so mercifully preserved and delivered them. They remained the Winter at Astracan, where they found great favour and friendship of the duke, captaine, and other chiefe officers of that place: but that Winter there happened no great matter worth the noting.

In the spring of the yeere 1581, about the mids of March, the yce was broken up, and cleare gone before Astracan, and the ninth of Aprill, having all the goods that were returned from the parts of Media, laden into a Stroog, the Factors, William Turnebull, Matthew Taileboyes, Giles Crow, Christopher Burrough, Michael Lane, Laurence Prouse gunner, Randolfe Foxe, Tho. Hudson, Tobias Parris, Morgan Hubblethorne the dier, Rich. the Surgean, Rob. Golding, Joh. Smith, Edw. Reding carpenter, and William Perrin gunner, having also 40 Russes, whereof 36 were Cassacks to row, the rest merchants passengers, departed from Astracan with the sayd Stroog and goods up the Volga towards Yeraslave. They left behinde them at Astracan, with the English goods & merchandise there remaining, Amos Riall, W. Wincoll, and Richard Relfe, and appointed them to sell & barter the same, or so much thereof as they could to the Tisiks, if there came any thither that spring, and to others as they might, & the rest with such as they should take in exchange to returne up to Yeraslave that Summer, when the Emperors carriage should passe up the Volga . The 21 day they came with their Stroog to the Peravolok, but made no stay at that place: for they had beene much troubled with yce in their comming from Astracan. The 3 of May about noone they came to Oveak, and from thence proceeding up the river, on the 17 day William Turnebull departed from the Stroog in a small boat, and went before towards Tetusha to provide victuals, and send downe to the Stroog, from which place they were then about 230 versts. The 23 day they met a boat with victuals, which William Turnebull sent from Tetusha, and the same day they arrived with their Stroog at Tetusha, where they stayed all night, and the next morning betimes departed thence, but W. Turnebull was gone in the small boat before to Cazan, to provide necessaries from thence, and to make way for their dispatch. The 26 day they arrived with their Stroog at Cazan, where they remained till the fourth of June: the Factors sent Giles Crow from Cazan to the Mosco, with their letters the 30 of May. The 4 day of June they departed from Cazan with their Stroog, and arrived at Yeraslave the 22 day about 5 of the clocke in the morning.

The 23 day they provided Telegos, to carry the goods to Vologda. The 24 day having the goods laden upon Telegos, they departed with the same towards Vologda, and remained there five versts from Yeraslave.

The 29 day they came to Vologda, with all their goods in safety, and good order. The same 29, William Turnbull and Peter Garrard departed from Vologda post by water towards Colmogro, the third of July, having their goods laden in a small doshnik, they departed with the same from Vologda towards Rose Island by S. Nicholas, where they arrived in safety the 16 of July, and found there the Agents of Russia, and in the rode the ships sent out of England, almost laden ready to depart.

The 25 day departed for England (out of the rode of S. Nicholas) the ship Elizabeth.

The 26 day departed thence the Thomas Allen and Mary Susan, and in the Thomas Allen went William Turnbul, Matthew Tailboys, Thomas Hudson, and others. The goods returned of the Persia voyage were laden into the ship, William and John, whereof was Master, William Bigat, and in her with the same goods came Peter Garrard and Tobias Parris.

The 11 of August, the same ship being laden and dispatched departed from the rode of S. Nicholas, and with her in company another of the companies fraighted ships, called the Tomasin, whereof was M. Christopher Hall. In their returne homewards they had some foule weather, and were separated at the sea, the William and John put into Newcastle the 24 of September: from whence the sayd Peter Garrard and Tobias Parris came to London by land, and brought newes of the arrivall of the ship.

The 25 of September both the sayd ships arrived at the port of London in safety, and ankered before Limehouse and Wapping, where they were discharged, 1581.

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