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Thomas Baskervil knight, his approbation to the former twofold discourse of Captaine Savile.

I THOMAS BASKERVILL knight, Generall of her Majesties late Indian armada in the late conflict had betweene the Spanish fleete and us, having perused the Spanish letter written by Don Bernaldino Delgadillo de Avellaneda, Generall of the king of Spaines Navie, and also having perused captaine Henrie Savile his answeres unto the sixe exceptions in the Generals letter, with his discourse of the manner of our fight with the Spanish fleete, doe say that the said Henrie Savile hath answered the letter, and set downe the order of the fight sincerely according to truth, for testimonie of which I have hereunto set my hand.

And if Don Bernaldino Delgadillo de Avellaneda the Generall shall take any exceptions to this my approbation, or stand in the justification of his lying letter written to Doctor Peter Florez, President of the Contractation house for the Indies, and by him for Bernaldinos glorie lately put in print: I then say that he falsely lyed, and that I will maintaine against him with whatsoever armes he shall make choyce of. And because the kingdomes wherein we abide are enemies (by reason of which there is no meanes in either of them, to maintaine that I have written) let him make choise of any indifferent kingdome of equall distance from either realme, and I will there be readie to maintaine as much as I have written: But if by my imployments into France I be so stayed by her Majesties commandements, that I cannot out of that realme meete him in any other, I cannot see why he should take any exception to that, considering the equalitie of the place, and that the Armies of both our princes be there resident.


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