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The voyage of Gutwere an English Lady maried to Baldwine brother of Godfreide duke of Bouillon , toward Jerusalem about 1097. And the 11. yeere of William Rufus King of England.

THE Christian armie of Godfrie of Bouillon passing the citie of Iconium , alias Agogna in the countrey of Licaonia, and from thence by the city of Heraclia, came at length unto the citie of Marasia, where they encamped, and sojourned there three whole dayes because of the wife of Baldwine brother germane of the duke of Loraigne. Which Lady being long time vexed with a grievous malady, was in extremitie, where at length paying the debt due to nature, she changed this transitorie life, for life eternal; Who, in her life time, was a very worthy and vertuous Lady, borne in England, and descended of most noble parentage named Gutwere; Which, according to her degree, was there most honourably enterred, to the great griefe of all the whole armie. As reporteth William Archbishop of Tyre, lib. 3. cap. 17. hist. belli sacri. The same author in the 10. booke & first chapter of the same historie concerning the same English Lady, writeth further as followeth, Baldwine having folowed the warres for a time, gave his minde to marriage, so that being in England he fell in love with a very honourable and noble Lady named Gutwere, whom he married and caried with him in that first happy expedition, wherin he accompanied his brethren the Lords, duke Godfrey and Eustace, persons very commendable in all vertues and of immortall memorie. But he had hard fortune in his journey, because his foresaid wife, being wearied with a long sicknes finished her life with a happie end neere the citie of Marasia, before the Christian armie came unto Antioch , where she was honourably buried, as we have declared before.

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