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Four personall reports of certaine Spaniards and of a Frenchman, concerning El Nuevo Dorado

The report of Domingo Martinez of Jamaica concerning El Dorado.

HE sayth that in 1593. being at Carthagena, there was a generall report of a late discovery called Nuevo Dorado, and that a litle before his comming thither, there came a Frigat from the said Dorado, bringing in it the portrature of a Giant all of Gold, of weight 47. kintals, which the Indians there held for their Idoll. But now admitting of Christianitie and obedience to the king of Spaine, they sent their sayd Idol unto him in token they were become Christians, and held him for their King. The company comming in the said Frigat, reported Golde to be there in most abundance, Diamonds of inestimable value, with great store of pearle.

The report of a French man called Bountillier of Sherbrouke, concerning Trinidad and Dorado.

HE saith that beeing at Trinidad in 1591. he had of an Indian there a peece of Golde of a quarter of a pound in exchange of a knife; the sayde Indian tolde him hee had it at the head of that river which commeth to Paracoa in Trinidad : and that within the River of Orenoque, it was in great abundance. Also in 1593. beeing taken by the Spanyardes, and brought prisoner into the Iland of Madera (the place for his prison) there came in this meane time a Barke of fortie Tunnes from a new Discovery, with two millions of Golde; the company whereof reported Golde in that place to bee in great abundance, and called it El Nuevo Dorado. This Frenchman passed from Spaine in the Barke, and having a cabben neere a gentleman, one of the Discoverers that came from that place in the sayde Barke, had divers times conference with him, and amongst other things, of the great abundance of Golde in the sayd Dorado, being as they sayd within the river of Orenoque.

Reportes of certaine Marchants of Rio de Hacha, concerning El Nuevo Dorado.

THEY sayd (advancing the kings great treasure in the Indies) that Nuevo Reyno yeelded very many Golde mines, and wonderfull rich; but lately was discovered a certaine Province so rich in Golde, as the report thereof may seeme incredible, it is there in such abundance, and is called El Nuevo Dorado: Antonio de Berreo made the said discoverie.

The report of a Spanyard, Captaine with Berreo in the discoverie of El Nuevo Dorado.

THAT the information sent to the King was in every poynt truely sayde, that the river Orenoque hath seven mouths, or outlets into the sea, called Las Siete bocas de dragon, that the sayd river runneth farre into the land, in many places very broad, and that Anth. de Berreo lay at Trinidad , making head to goe to conquere and people the sayd Dorado.

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