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Daman . Basan. Tana .

HAVING passed Diu, I came to the second city that the Portugals have, called Daman , situate in the territory of Cambaia, distant from Diu an hundred and twenty miles: it is no towne of merchandise, save Rice and come, and hath many villages under it, where in time of peace the Portugals take their pleasure, but in time of warre the enemies have the spoile of them; in such wise that the Portugals have little benefit by them. Next unto Daman you shall have Basan, which is a filthy place in respect of Daman : in this place is Rice, Corne, and Timber to make shippes and gallies. And a small distance beyond Basan is a little Iland called Tana , a place very populous with Portugals, Moores, and Gentiles: these have nothing but Rice, there are many makers of Armesine, and weavers of girdles of wooll and bumbast blacke and redde like to Moocharies.

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