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The Computation of my imprisonment.

I suffered imprisonment in Mexico two yeeres.

In the Contratation house in Sivill one yeere.

In the Inquisition house in Triana one yeere.

I was in the Gallies twelve yeeres.

In the everlasting prison remediles, with the coat with S. Andrews crosse on my back 4. yeres.

And at libertie I served as a drudge Hernando de Soria 3. yeeres, which is the full complement of 23. yeeres.

Since my departure from England , untill this time of my returne, I was five times in great danger of death, besides the many perils I was in, in the Gallies.

First in the Port of S. John de Ullua, where being on shore, with many other of our company, which were all slaine saving I, and two other that by swimming got aboord the Jesus of Lubek.

Secondly, when we were robbed by the wild Indians.

Thirdly, after we came to Mexico , the viceroy would have hanged us.

Fourthly, because he could not have his mind to hang us, he would have burnt us.

Fiftly, the Generall that brought us into Spaine, would have hanged us at sea.

Thus having truely set downe unto you my travels, misery and dangers, endured the space of 23. yeeres, I ende.

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