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A particular note of the Indian fleet, expected to have come into Spaine this present yeere of 1591. with the number of shippes that are perished of the same: according to the examination of certaine Spaniards lately taken and brought into England by the ships of London.

THE fleete of Nova Hispania, at their first gathering together and setting foorth, were two and fiftie sailes. The Admirall was of sixe hundred tunnes, and the Vice Admirall of the same burthen. Foure or five of the shippes were of nine hundred and 1000 tunnes a peece, some five hundred, and some foure hundred and the least of two hundred tuns. Of this fleet 19 were cast away, and in them 2600 men by estimation, which was done along the coast of Nova Hispania, so that of the same fleet there came to the Havana but 33 sailes.

The fleete of Terra Firma were, at their first departure from Spaine, fiftie sailes, which were bound for Nombre de Dios, where they did discharge their lading, and thence returned to Cartagena, for their healths sake, untill the time the treasure was readie they should take in, at the said Nombre de Dios. But before this fleete departed, some were gone by one or two at a time, so that onely 23 sayles of this fleete arrived in the Havana.

At the Havana there met 33 sailes of Nova Hispania.
23 sailes of Terra Firma.
12 sailes of San Domingo.
9 sailes of the Hunduras.

The whole 77 shippes, joyned and set sailes all together at the Havana, the 17 of July, according to our account, and kept together untill they came into the height of thirtie five degrees, which was about the tenth of August, where they found the winde at Southwest chaunged suddenly to the North, so that the sea comming out of the Southwest, and the wind very violent at North, they were put all into great extremitie, and then first lost the Generall of their fleete, with 500 men in her; and within three or foure dayes after, an other storme rising, there were five or sixe other of the biggest shippes cast away with all their men, together with their ViceAdmirall.

And in the height of 38. degrees, about the end of August, grew another great storme, in which all the fleet saving 48. sailes were cast away: which 48. sailes kept together, untill they came in sight of the Islands of Corvo and Flores, about the fift or sixt of September, at which time a great storme separated them: of which number fifteene or sixeteene were after seene by these Spanyards to ride at anchor under the Tercera; and twelve or foureteene more to beare with the Island of S. Michael; what became of them after that these Spaniards were taken cannot yet be certified; their opinion is, that very few of the fleet are escaped, but are either drowned or taken. And it is otherwaies of late certified, that of this whole fleete that should have come into Spaine this yeere, being one hundred twentie and three sayle, there are arrived as yet but five and twentie. This note was taken out of the examination of certaine Spaniardes, that were brought into England by sixe of the ships of London, which tooke seven of the above named Indian Fleete, neere the Islands of Acores.

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