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A note of the lying of the land unto the Southward of Port Desire.

IN primis, Seales bay standeth unto the Southwards of Port Desire 12 leagues Southsouthwest. Furthermore, unto the Southwards of Seales bay 3 leagues, you shall have very low land. Also more unto the Southwards of Seales bay 7 leagues, in the heighth of 48 degrees 40 minuts, you shall see a rocke 5 leagues off the shore, the land lying Southwest and by South.

Item, In the latitude of 49 degrees 1/2, you shall see a small flat Iland, about a league and an halfe off the shore, the land lying Southwest and by South. Furthermore, from the latitude of 49 degrees 1/2 unto the latitude of 50 degrees, the land lieth South and by West, and is high land.

Item, From the latitude of 50 degrees unto the latitude of 50 degrees 40 minuts, the land lieth Southwest and by South. Furthermore, from the latitude of 50 degrees 40 minuts unto the latitude of 52 degrees 17 minuts, the land lieth South and by West, North and by East.

Item, In the sayd latitude of 52 degrees 17 minuts, there goeth in an harborow, which is to be knowen by a long beache that lieth on the South side of the harborow. Moreover, the sayd harborow standeth 12 leagues unto the Northwards of Cape Joy. Furthermore, from the latitude of 52 degrees 17 minuts unto the latitude of 52 degrees 40 minuts (in which heigth standeth Cape Joy) the land lieth Southsoutheast, and Northnorthwest.

Item, Comming from the Northwards, you shall see before you come to Cape Joy, a very long beach, about the length of 8 leagues, being 5 leagues short of the cape unto the Northwards. Also unto the Southwards of the cape, you shall see another beach about a league long, adjoyning hard under the cape; about which beach is the entrance of the Streights of Magellan, the which Straights are in breadth sixe leagues over, from the cape unto the South shore, lying South and by East.

Item, From Cape Joy, being the entrance of the streight of Magellan, unto the first narrow passage of the sayd streight; the course is West and by North, and East and by South, and are distant 18 leagues; the land being in breadth from the one side to the other one league.

Item, From the first narrow unto the second narrow passage, the course is West & by South, and East and by North; and the distance is 12 leagues: and in breadth the one side is from the other about two leagues over.

Item, from the second narrow unto the islands that be called Elizabeth, Bartholomew, and Penguin ilands, the distance is 5 leagues, and the course is Southwest and Northeast: the islands being distant a league and an halfe the one from the other.

Item, From the sayd ilands unto Port Famine is 16 leagues: the course is Southsouthwest, and Northnortheast. Moreover, from Port Famine unto Cape Froward, the course is South and by West, and North and by East: and they are distant 8 leagues asunder.

Item, From Cape Froward unto S. Jeromes river, is 16 leagues: the course is Northwest and Southeast. Also from S. Jeromes river unto the uttermost land on the South side, the which is called Cabo Deseado, the course is Northwest & somewhat to the Northward, and are distant 30 leagues. So the whole length of the streight of Magellan is 105 leagues.

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