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What commodities and instructions may be reaped by diligent reading this Discourse.

  1. 1 FIRST, by example may be gathered, how a Discoverer of new Countries is to proceede in his first attempt of any Discoverie.
  2. 2 Item, how he should be provided of shipping, victuals, munition, and choice of men.
  3. 3 How to proceede and deale with strange people, be they never so barbarous, cruell and fierce, either by lenitie or otherwise.
  4. 4 How trade of Merchandize may be made without money.
  5. 5 How a Pilot may deale, being invironed with mountaines of yce in the frozen Sea.
  6. 6 How length of dayes, change of seasons, Summers and Winters doe differ in sundry regions.
  7. 7 How dangerous it is to attempt new Discoveries, either for the length of the voyage, or the ignorance of the language, the want of Interpretors, new and unaccustomed Elements and ayres, strange and unsavoury meates, danger of theeves and robbers, fiercenesse of wilde beastes and fishes, hugenesse of woods, dangerousnesse of Seas, dread of tempestes, feare of hidden rockes, steepnesse of mountaines, darkenesse of sudden falling fogges, continuall paines taking without any rest, and infinite others.
  8. 8 How pleasant and profitable it is to attempt new Discoveries, either for the sundry sights and shapes of strange beastes and fishes, the wonderfull workes of nature, the different maners and fashions of divers. nations, the sundry sortes of government, the sight of strange trees, fruite, foules, and beastes, the infinite treasure of Pearle, Golde and Silver, the newes of newe found landes, the sundry positions of the Sphere, and many others.
  9. 9 How valiant Captaines use to deale upon extremitie, and otherwise.
  10. 10 How trustie souldiers dutifully use to serve.
  11. 11 Also here may bee seene a good example to be observed of any private person, in taking notes, and making observations of all such things as are requisite for a Discoverer of newe Countries.
  12. 12 Lastly, the Reader here may see a good paterne of a well governed service, sundry instructions of matters of Cosmographie, Geographie, and Navigation, as in reading more at large may be scene.

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