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XXV. multis ex rebus : we should say, from many other things; Verr. 2.4.174, cum multa, tum etiam hoc me memini dicere.

dum ea rerum potita est, i.e. as long as it held the supremacy among the Greek states : cf. ad Fam. 5.17.3, et in nostra civitate et in ceteris, quae rerum potitae sunt (i.e. have had dominion over other civitates.) For the rare sense of potior to be in possession of, cf. Cic. Acad. Pr. II. 126, Cleanthes Solem dominari et rerum potiri putat ; Val. Max. 9.15.5, Sulla rerum potiente, during Sulla's supremacy; Tac. Ann. 11.42, etc.

hodie quoque utuntur. Though Greece was at this time a Roman province, Athens as a libera civitas enjoyed autonomy.

admonere, bring to mind, suggest the idea. Cf. pro Tullio, § 9, quod enim usu non veniebat, de eo si quis legem aut iudicium constitueret, non tam prohibere quam admonere videretur.

Quanto nostri maiores, etc. ; from here to conquiescant is in its own way one of the finest passages Cicero ever wrote, though he afterwards depreciated it. See Introd. note 63.

supplicium singulare : see Introd. §§ 10, 11.

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  • Commentary references from this page (2):
    • Cicero, For Sextus Roscius of Ameria, 10
    • Cicero, For Sextus Roscius of Ameria, 11
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