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aptam : Lambinus supplies hi domum aptam, etc. ; apparently the end of a comparison between the requirements of Chrysogonus and those of Sulla's more modest freedmen.

Sallentinis . . . Bruttiis; the former were a people dwelling at the extremity of the heel of Italy ; the latter at the toe.

alter, Chrysogonus ; tibi, ethic, dative, expressing here Cicero's indignation ; cf. pro Sest. 89, ecce tibi consul, rraetor, tribunus pl. nova novi generis edicta proponunt.

de Palatio, from the Palatine hill, on which many Roman nobles had mansions. From the time of Augustus the Palatine was the site of the imperial residence, whence the derivation of palace (palatium).

animi causa = for his own enjoyment: cf. § 134, animi et aurium causa.

domus referta ; the nom. is put graphically (cf. Virg. Georg. 2.133, 4), as though ei est (sunt) and not habet had preceded :

praedia links the two constructions, suiting either. Cf. pro Milo.

Corinthiis et Deliacis, of Corinthian and Delian ore : see Verr. 4. 1, Halm's note ; authepsa, i.e. a self-acting cooking apparatus. The name implies a Greek invention.

enuntiaret, called out as the last and highest bid.

quid . . . putatis esse : this and similar phrases frequently answer to our what must be . . .? cf. below, § 134, quos sumptus cotidianos fieri putatis? what must have been his daily expenditure ? de Imp. Pomp. 32, quam multas existimatis insulas esse desertas? how many islands must have been deserted? ib. § 42.

stragulae vestis ; referring especially to coverings for the couches used at meals, triclinia.

marmoris ; i.e. not statues (signorum), but as used for the wainscotting of walls, and for inlaid floors.

familiam, establishment of slaves.

artificiis, qualifications.

hasce : cf. § 62, his levioribus, note.

officina nequitiae, a factory for the production of wickedness.

togatorum, said bitterly for civium, citizens, who disgraced the toga, their robe of honour, by attending and enjoying the patronage of a freedman.

ut . . . ut . . . ut, how.

beatum, alluding to his wealth.

causam nobilitatis : see § 16. laedere, because Chrysogonus was Sulla's favourite.

meo iure, because I am of that party myself.

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hide References (3 total)
  • Commentary references from this page (3):
    • Cicero, For Sextus Roscius of Ameria, 134
    • Cicero, For Sextus Roscius of Ameria, 16
    • Cicero, For Sextus Roscius of Ameria, 62
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