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Kalendas Iunias ; i.e. the 1st of June is named in the law as the dies (date), ad quam diem . . . fiant.

haec bona, i.e. the proceeds of the sale (sectio) of this property; nulla redierunt, were not entered at all : a combination of two constructions, nulla bona ex hic redierunt, and haec bona non redierunt. Cf. § 54.

tabulas publicas, the State accounts.

facetius, more smartly (not more wittily, drolly).

corruptae aliqua ratione ; e.g. by a false entry of the proceeds of the sale amongst the receipts got in before the 1st of June.

reduviam curem, attend to a hangnail on the finger, a proverbial phrase. Cicero calls the property of Sex. Roscius a trivial matter, when the immediate question is to save his life (caput).

non ullius instead of nuflius, for the sake of the anaphora of non : see § 29, last note, and cf. pro Cluent. § 39. Join non ullius . . . sui commodi takes account of no advantage of his own.

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