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male, disloyally.

cum Chrysogono, shortly for cum Chrysogoni causa : cf. in Vatin. 41, etiam illud dixeris, causam Milonis coniunctam cum hoc existimari.

equestrem splendorem. Since the time of C. Gracchus the great cause of ill-will between the nobles and the equites was the iudicia, which had been restored by Sulla to the ordo senatorius. In the civil war the equites had been for the most part opposed to Sulla, who afterwards took terrible revenge.

servi, ironically for liberti ; viz. Chrysogonus.

quam nam . . . adfectet; possibly a quotation from a poet. Munitare (intensive from munire) only occurs here : the phrase iter ad aliquid adfectare is common in Plautus ;

it is used again by Cicero, de Lege Agr. 1.5.

ad fidem = its aim is to deal a blow at your good faith . . .

ad ius jurandum: see ยง 8, note.

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