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manifestum. Gellius, N.A. 11. 18.11, mansfestum furtum est, ut ait Masurius, quod deprehenditur dum fit.

praerupta, literally, broken off suddenly ; i.e. headlong, impetuous. Cf. Tac. Ann. 16.7, iuvenis animo praeruptus.

accedat etc. : odium parentis would come under the head of probabile ex causa (see § 40); amici improbi and what follows would be the signa et argumenta of the crime : see note on esto, § 73, and cf. § 62, exstent oportet expressa sceleris vestigia, uti, qua ratione, per quos, quo tempore maleficium sit admissum.

credituri sunt, are to believe ; for this use of the future part. with sum cf. de Fin. 11.26, si veri amici futuri sumus, if we are to be true friends. See Madvig, § 341, Obs.

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