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immo vero gives an affirmative answer where a negative would be expected. With this sentence the second point iu the probabile ex causa (see § 40) is entered on.

audio, that I will listen to: cf. Verr. 2.3.79, non audio, I will not hear it.

illa refers to what follows, and is contrasted with aliquid just before.

quippe, of course, as in pro Mil. 47.

in oppidum, into a town; not the town (of Ameria), for his father was not usually there.

domum suam. . . vocabat; i.e. he was universally unpopular, which would account for his father's disliking him.

Vocabat, sc. ad cenam; 50 καλεῖν alone.

revocaturus esset, was in a position to invite them in return.

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