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In adversariorum praesidiis = within the enemy's lines, outposts: see pro Lig. 27, Halm's note, and cf. pro Caec. 83, in meis castris praesidusque versaris.

si lege, sc. occisus est.

veteres leges, by which it was forbidden to kill a homo liber wilfully and with hostile intent, dolo malo (see pro Mu. ยง 10 sqq.), but permitted to kill a homo sacer, a perduellis, and one who lay under aquae et ignis interdictio. There is no allusion to the leges Porcias and Sempronias, which forbade the slaying of a citizen iniussu populi.

quo modo, in what way, i.e. as the property of a proscribed person, or as that of an enemy, or on what other principle : qua lege, by what law, since those just mentioned do not authorize it.

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