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[410] The adj. ‘Acrisioneus’ (from Ἀκρισίων, another form of Ἀκρίσιος) is found in Ovid. M. 5. 239, so that Serv. is wrong in making ‘Acrisioneis’ a fem. patronymic agreeing with Danae, and Heins. in proposing ‘Acrisionaeis,’ from “Acrisione” = Danae. Heyne refers the story of Danae having founded a colony in Italy to the similarity between Danae and Daunia. It may however have arisen from the existence of a temple of Juno at Ardea like that at Argos. See v. 419 and Pliny 35. 10 (37). ‘Colonis’ may be dat., but it is more probably abl. instr., i. q. “colonis deductis.

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