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[521] Diversis partibus: so 10. 405 (note), “Ac velut, optato ventis aestate coortis, Dispersa inmittit silvis incendia pastor,” where the simile is applied differently. Comp. Il. 20. 490 foll., Ὡς δ᾽ ἀναμαιμάει βαθἔ ἄγκεα θεσπιδαὲς πῦρ Οὔρεος ἀζαλέοιο, βαθεῖα δὲ καίεται ὕλη . . . . Ὣς ὅγε πάντη θῦνε σὺν ἔγχεϊ, δαίμονι ἶσος &c. See also Il. 11. 155 foll. But the point here (as in Bk. 10) is that the fire is kindled on opposite sides of the wood.

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