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[24] ‘Agger moerorum,’ as v. 144 and 11. 382 (where this line is nearly repeated), means ‘the pile of the wall:’ ‘agger’ having a general sense, as in 5. 273 (note) and 6. 830. For the special sense of the word see Dict. A. ‘Murorum’ is the reading of the bulk of Ribbeck's MSS., ‘moerorum’ being only found in Pal. (originally) and in two cursives from corrections: but Serv. attests ‘moerorum,’ and the archaic form is sufficiently likely to have been altered. Mr. Long considers that the plurals ‘aggeribus’ and ‘fossas’ imply ‘every part of the earthworks and ofthe ditch.’ ‘Fossas’ Pal. and Gud., supported by Serv., ‘fossae’ Med., Rom. It might be urged that ‘fossas’ was due to a transcriber who wished to accommodate ‘inundant’ to ‘miscent:’ but on the whole Ribbeck seems right in preferring the former, as the latter would naturally be introduced from 11. 382, whereas Virg. is fond of repeating his lines with a change.

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