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[520] Limina Med., as in Hor. Ep. 2. 8 (“superba civium Potentiorum limina”), followed doubtfully by Heyne. Wagn. is probably right in restoring ‘munera,’ which has the authority of the other MSS. and of Serv., though ‘limina’ would give a very good sense, in spite of his objection that the poor man would be as likely as any one else to be familiar with the thresholds of the rich. ‘Potentum munera’ must mean the “duties or burdens of the rich:” not (as Serv. and Heyne explain it) “the duties paid to the rich.” ‘Potentes’ like οἱ δυνατοί in Greek, the rich men: comp. 6. 843. ‘Tellure serebat’ like “sulco serentem” 6. 844 note. ‘Sedibat’ corrected into ‘sedebat’ Med. a m. p.

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