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[391] Choros seems to be the reading of the bulk of MSS., including Rom. and Gud., the latter of which originally had ‘chorus.’ ‘Choro’ is the first reading of Med., ‘s’ having been afterwards added, and of some others, including Canon. Heyne restored ‘choro,’ and his successors have followed him. The error arose from the first letter of the next word (see on G. 2. 219) and was perpetuated by those who did not understand the construction. ‘Te lustrare choro,’ Bacchus being the choragus, and the Bacchants dancing round him. Soph. Ant. 1150, Προφάνηθ᾽ Ναξίαις σαῖς ἅμα περιπόλοις Θυίαισιν, αἵ σε μαινόμεναι πάννυχοι Χορεύουσι τὸν ταμίαν Ἴακχον. Also Hor. 2 Od. 19., where “carmina docentem” means teaching the chorus, as a choragus. So “lustrare choreis” 10. 224, Prop. 3. 1. 1. For ‘sacrum tibi pascere crinem’ comp. Eur. Bacch. 494, Ἱερὸς πλόκαμος, τῷ θεῷ δ᾽ αὐτὸν τρέφω. ‘Pascere’ for “nutrire” or “alere” Hor. 2 S. 3. 35, “pascere barbam.

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