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CCII (A V, 13)

WE arrived at Ephesus on the 22nd of July, on the 620th day after the battle of Bovillae. 1 I accomplished the voyage without alarm and without sea-sickness, but somewhat slowly, owing to the crankiness of the Rhodian open ships. About the throng of legations and private suitors, and about the extraordinary crowd of people that met me even at Samos, but to a surprising extent at Ephesus, I presume that you have heard, or—" well, what is all that to me? " 2 The fact is, however, that the tithe-collectors, as though I had come with imperium, the Greeks, as though I were governor in Ephesus, 3 presented themselves to me with eagerness. This will, I am sure, convince you that the professions I have been making these many years past are now being put to the test. But I shall, I hope, stick to the principles which I learnt from you, and give full satisfaction to everyone, and with the less difficulty that the contracts in my province have been settled. 4

I did not neglect your little affairs at Ephesus, and although Thermus 5 before my arrival had been most courteous in his promises to all your agents, yet I introduced Philogenes and Seius to him, and recommended Xeno of Apollonis. In a word, he undertook to do everything. I besides submitted to Philogenes an account of the note of exchange, which I had negotiated with you. So enough of that. I return to affairs in the city. In the name of fortune, since you are remaining at Rome, I beg of you, use every means of supporting and fortifying the position that I am not to be left in office more than a year, without even an intercalation. Next fulfil all my commissions, and especially in regard to that domestic matter get rid of the difficulty with which you are acquainted. 6 Next to that do so in the matter of Caesar: it was on your advice that I set my heart on him, and I do not repent. And, as you well understand how it is my nature to know and care for what is going on in public affairs—going on, do I say? nay, rather what is going to happen—write me everything at full length, and that with the utmost precision, and especially whether there is any breakdown in the trials that have either taken place or are about to do so. As to the water, if you are looking after it, and if Philippus is taking any steps, please attend to what is done.

1 The murder of Clodius, 18 January, B.C. 52.

2 These words Boot and others suppose to be put into Atticus's mouth: "Or I suppose you will say, 'What have I to do with that?"' It is unlike Cicero to suppose Atticus to he indifferent to anything that affects himself. It would he easier with Schutz to alter me to te. After the aut he was going to put another infinitive clause, but breaks off and dismisses the subject, only referring afterwards to one class of people who came to him, i.e., the publicani.

3 I.e., propraetor of Asia, of which Ephesus was the chief town.

4 The contracts for collecting the decumae B.C. 51. Those for the next year he had to superintend.

5 Q. Minucius Thermus, propraetor of Asia. He was an Optimate and took the side of Pompey in the civil war of B.C. 49.48, which he survived.

6 The marriage of his daughter, and perhaps his growing dissatisfaction with Terentia.

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