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I received two letters on the 14th, one dated the same day, the other the day before. First, then, to the earlier one. Yes, tell me about Brutus when you know. I am informed about the pretended terror of the consuls. 1 For Sicca had-with loyal warmth indeed, but somewhat confusedly-already informed me of that suspicion also. 2 Well, what is your opinion? Is it, "Never refuse a good offer "? 3 For I haven't a word from Siregius. 4 I don't like it. I am very much annoyed that anyone was informed about your neighbour Plaetorius before myself. 5 As to Syrus, you acted with wisdom. You will, I think, have no difficulty in keeping Lucius Antonius off by means of his brother. 6 I told you not to pay Antro, but you had not received my letter telling you not to pay anyone but L. Fadius. 7 I am not at all angry with Arabio about Sittius. 8 I don't think of starting on my journey unless my accounts are all square, 9 and I think you agree with me in that. So much for your earlier letter.

Now for the other. It is like your usual kindness to serve Servilia, that is, Brutus. As to the Queen I am glad you don't feel anxious, and that you accept the evidence. For the accounts furnished by Eros, I have both gone into them myself and have summoned him to come to me. I am exceedingly obliged by your promise to furnish my son with what is needful. Messalla, 10 on his way from Lanuvium, called on me; he had just come from Athens and gave me a wonderfully good report of him. And upon my word his own letter was so affectionate and well-written, that I shouldn't shrink from reading it before company: which makes me all the more desirous of indulging him. I don't think Sestius is annoyed about Bucilianus. 11 When Tiro once gets back I think of going to Tusculum. Pray write at once and tell me anything I ought to know.

1 Their pretence of being afraid of some violence on the part of Brutus and Cassius.

2 Unless this refers to the previous clause we have no means of knowing what suspicion he means. For Sicca, see vol. i., p.142; vol. ii., p.275.

3 See vol. ii., p.180: τὰ μὲν διδόμενα, sc. δέχου.

4 Unknown. Some suggest Sara regio (see last letter).

5 This may refer to the recall of M. Plaetorius Cestianus. He had been condemned in B.C. 51 (vol. ii., p. 89).

6 L. Antonius, as tribune, seems to have threatened to stop the measure of relief for the Buthrotians. See p.73.

7 See last letter. Antro was a freedman.

8 P. Sittius of Nuceria was an old friend of Cicero's but we don't know what is referred to here.

9 It is uncertain what λ means (perhaps λοίπῳ, "balance"). See p.74.

10 M. Valerius Messalla, who had been with young Cicero at Athens. See vol. iii., p.225.

11 Bucilianus and his brother Caecilius were induced by Brutus to join the assassins (App. B.C. 2.113, 117). He accompanied Brutus to Macedonia (see p.104). What had occurred about him now we cannot tell.

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