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WHAT need is there for any farther venture on behalf of the Buthrotians? I ask, because you remark that all your trouble has been thrown away. Why again is Brutus returning? I am grieved, on my honour, that you have been so distracted. You have to thank those ten land-commissioner fellows for that. 1 Yes, that was a tough piece of business, but it had to be borne, and I am exceedingly obliged to you. As to taking up arms—I never saw anything more patent. So let me be off; as you say. I don't know what Theophanes 2 wants with an interview: he has already written to me, and I answered him as best I could. However, he writes to say that he wants to call on me, to discuss some business of his own and certain matters affecting myself. I am anxious for a letter from you. Pray take care that nothing rash is done. Statius has written to tell me that Quintus Cicero 3 has spoken to him in very strong terms, saying that he cannot put up with the present state of affairs: that he is resolved to go over to Brutus and Cassius. Of course I am now anxious to learn all about this: I am quite unable to explain its meaning. It may be that he is angry with Antony about something; it may be that he now wants some new chance of distinguishing himself; it may be a mere passing fancy. And, indeed, it is doubtless that. All the same I am nervous about it and his father is quite upset. For he knows what he used to say about Antony: in fact he said to me what won't bear repetition. I cannot conceive what he has got in his head. I shall only have such commissions from Dolabella as I choose—that is, none at all. Tell me about Gaius Antonius—did he wish to be on the land-commission? He was at any rate worthy of such a company. 4 As to Menedemus it is as you say. Pray keep me acquainted with everything.

1 The decemviri or land-commissioners for distributing extra-Italian land.

2 Theophanes of Mitylene, who had been Pompey's secretary and friend (vol. i., p.90).

3 The younger Quintus, Cicero's nephew.

4 The seven land-commissioners (for distributing land in Italy among the veterans) were Marcus and Gaius Antonius, Dolabella, Domitius of Apulia, P. Decius, Nucula, and Lento. Nucula was a mime-writer, Lento an actor (Phil. 6.14; 8, § 26; 11, § 13). What Cicero thought of these land-commissions (septemviri for Italy, decemviri for extra-Italian land) may be seen in Phil. 2.101.

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