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I am wonderfully distracted, yet not with pain: but a thou-sand opposite ideas about my journey occur to me. "How long is that to go on?" you will say. Why, until I finally commit myself, that is, till I am actually on board ship. If Pansa has written an answer to your letter, I will send you mine and his together. I am expecting Silius, 1 for whom I have drawn up a memorandum. Send any news. I am writing to Brutus, about whose journey I should like to hear something also from you, if you know anything.

1 P. Silius Nerva, who had been propraetor of Bithynia, when Cicero was in Cilicia (see vol. ii., pp.95, 97). He was a great friend of Atticus, and was at present engaged in a lawsuit as to the succession of some property under the will of a certain Turpilia. See p.87.

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