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[132] for the procession to move slowly, hoping to receive a pardon before arriving at the place selected.

He posted his orderly, well mounted, at the telegraph office, with instructions to wait until the last minute for a message.

Anxiously the kind-hearted old soldier looked for an answer.

At length he was rewarded. To his great joy he saw the courier in the distance, coming at full speed, holding in his outstretched hand a paper.

It was this telegram:

war Department, Washington, D. C., May 5, 1865.
Major-General Joseph Hooker:
Suspend the execution of Thomas Martin, to be executed in Cincinnati this day, until further orders.

By order of the President.


E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War.

Immediately there was great rejoicing. The soldiers who were to shoot the boy now congratulated him on his escape, and carried him back to the city in triumph.

There were two persons in that memorable incident who gave grateful and heartfelt thanks for the preservation of the boy—General Willich and Father Garesche—but they were not demonstrative, like the soldiers.

Tom Martin knew that he owed everything to General Willich, and voluntarily promised that he would serve him in any capacity as long as he lived.

Two weeks subsequent to this time, General Hooker returned, and was told that the President had suspended the execution. He thereupon flew into a rage, and sent officers post-haste to bring General Willich and Judges Stallo and Dickson before him. The gentlemen entered the room in which General Hooker walked back and forth, more in the likeness of a hyena than that of a man. He was under great excitement, which he was unable to suppress, and possibly did not care to.

He first addressed Judge Dickson, and said:

‘I was very angry at you, sir, on my return, and had ordered your arrest, but out of consideration for the past, I have called you here.’

Judge Dickson replied:

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