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Sergeants William Walsh, James F. Roper, William F. Bass, Abe Fitzgerald.

Corporals Andrew A. Waugh, William J. Anderson, George B. Bass, George Tolby.

Privates A. Adams, M. L. Adams, George C. Anderson, James S. Baird, W. B. Bowman, Thomas F. Brown, J. D. Bockwell, Leroy Bass, G. W. Browder, W. E. Browder, Thomas Browder, J. W. Browder, James H. Belcher (transferred to navy September 16, 1862), William Brooks, William Caudle, T. B. Cersley, J. T. Cottrell, John A. Cersley, T. W. Crow, James W. Cersley, W. D. Craig, E. Chandler, Richard Cottrell, J. W. Craig, John Duck, Henry D. Eggers (transferred to navy November 1, 1862), John E. Eggers (transferred to navy November 1, 1862), James Edmunds, William Evans, Michael Foster, William Foster, J. W. Harding, P. Hardgrave, M. Holland, R. J. Hancock, Richard Johnson, Henry A. Jordan, T. W. Jones, R. J. Lufsey, B. F. Lipscomb, William M. Mays (killed at Spotsylvania Courthouse), Joseph F. Moore (killed at Spotsylvania Courthouse), J. L. Maxey, J. W. Moore, Henry Marx, V. W. Nosworthy, J. T. Owens, Joseph H. Perdue, R. L. Pollard, E. B. Pierce, C. R. Pollard, Frank Puckett, Charles H. Rushbrook, W. S. Smith, John Smith, Robert I. Sadler, Charles C. Swan, Jeter Snead, Joseph Snead, W. J. Stywald, S. E. Sizer (killed second Bull Run, 1862), J. W. Stegal (killed at Petersburg, June 22, 1863), Talton Tibbs, J. Booker Tibbs, George A. Thadford, William H. Tolby, W. M. Taylor (killed at Sharpsburg), John Taylor, Robert Taylor, William Walthall, Thomas J. Waymack, Andrew J. Wells, Daniel Wren, William Young, Samuel W. Pollard, Henry H. Pollard, Beverley Smith, Emmett Gill.

Transferred to the navy, Benjamin Crowfield (killed at Crater), John Ryan, Isaac Thompson, Robert Tarrance, W. H. Kidd, Lewis Kidd.

Musicians, Charles W. Mosby, William S. Crawford.

A number of men deserted during the war. Some were captured and brought back under guard, but some were never caught.

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William H. Tolby (2)
Daniel Wren (1)
Andrew J. Wells (1)
Thomas J. Waymack (1)
Andrew A. Waugh (1)
William Walthall (1)
William Walsh (1)
Talton Tibbs (1)
J. Booker Tibbs (1)
Isaac Thompson (1)
George A. Thadford (1)
W. M. Taylor (1)
Robert Taylor (1)
John Taylor (1)
Robert Tarrance (1)
Charles C. Swan (1)
W. J. Stywald (1)
J. W. Stegal (1)
Joseph Snead (1)
Jeter Snead (1)
W. S. Smith (1)
John Smith (1)
Beverley Smith (1)
S. E. Sizer (1)
Robert I. Sadler (1)
John Ryan (1)
Charles H. Rushbrook (1)
James F. Roper (1)
Frank Puckett (1)
Samuel W. Pollard (1)
R. L. Pollard (1)
Henry H. Pollard (1)
C. R. Pollard (1)
E. B. Pierce (1)
Joseph H. Perdue (1)
J. T. Owens (1)
V. W. Nosworthy (1)
Charles W. Mosby (1)
Joseph F. Moore (1)
J. W. Moore (1)
William M. Mays (1)
J. L. Maxey (1)
Henry Marx (1)
R. J. Lufsey (1)
B. F. Lipscomb (1)
W. H. Kidd (1)
Lewis Kidd (1)
Henry A. Jordan (1)
T. W. Jones (1)
Richard Johnson (1)
M. Holland (1)
J. W. Harding (1)
P. Hardgrave (1)
R. J. Hancock (1)
Emmett Gill (1)
George (1)
William Foster (1)
Michael Foster (1)
Henry Fitzgerald (1)
William Evans (1)
John E. Eggers (1)
Henry D. Eggers (1)
James Edmunds (1)
Benjamin Crowfield (1)
T. W. Crow (1)
William S. Crawford (1)
W. D. Craig (1)
J. W. Craig (1)
Richard Cottrell (1)
J. T. Cottrell (1)
E. Chandler (1)
T. B. Cersley (1)
John A. Cersley (1)
James W. Cersley (1)
William Caudle (1)
Thomas F. Brown (1)
W. E. Browder (1)
Thomas Browder (1)
J. W. Browder (1)
G. W. Browder (1)
W. B. Bowman (1)
J. D. Bockwell (1)
James H. Belcher (1)
William F. Bass (1)
Leroy Bass (1)
George B. Bass (1)
James S. Baird (1)
William J. Anderson (1)
George C. Anderson (1)
M. L. Adams (1)
A. Adams (1)
Abe (1)
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1862 AD (1)
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