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A gallant Trio.

A number of those marked dead were either killed in battle or died from their wounds. The lapse of forty years and more makes it hard to have a proper record. This, however, is substantially correct. I have derived great benefit and assistance from Samuel F. Abrahams, a brave and intrepid soldier, who lost his right arm at the second battle of Cold Harbor, and who will take pleasure in answering any inquiries which may be made. His description of the second battle of Cold Harbor is extremely interesting and is worthy of a niche in the temple of history, as is also the description of Stephen A. Duncan and Charles R. Stegar, of General Pickett's famous charge at Gettysburg. Roanoke, Va., is the address of Mr. Samuel F. Abrahams; Manteo, Buckingham county, Va., is the address of Mr. Stephen A. Duncan, and Beesville, Buckingham county, Va., is the address of Mr. Charles R. Stegar. It will be difficult to find three braver or better Confederate soldiers.

Camm Patteson, Late Captain of Company D, Fifty-sixth Regiment of Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Confederate States Army. Buchingham county, Va., June 6, 1902 .

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