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[252] supplies. On the 18th of June, Early with his corps, formed a junction with Imboden and Jones near Lynchburg, and defeated Hunter, driving him in the direction of Salem, Va. Hunter had made an effort to cross the Blue Ridge at Rockfish gap, where the Virginia Central railroad ran through a tunnel in the mountain, but Jones and Imboden blocked his way.

While a student at Dinwiddie's school, near the tunnel, 1859-1860, I often spent my Saturdays in visiting this tunnel and the town of Waynesboro, just beyond the river. The boys would fish and hunt up and down the Shenandoah river as low down as Weyer's Cave. Early followed him up, through Liberty, from there to Big Lick (now Roanoke City), through Salem, and capturing a portion of his wagon train near Hanging Rock as he escaped into the mountains west of the valley. Early encamped on the night of the 23rd at Buchanan, and on the 24th at Buffalo creek. On the 25th he reached Lexington, where he divided his command; marching one part of it by way of Brownsburg, and the other by Midway, and met at Staunton, where it rested on the 27th. According to instructions of General Lee, on the 28th of June Early marched down the Shenandoah Valley with the most of his command. The old soldiers, who were tired and worn out by long marches, badly shod, and on short rations, were now animated and inspired by old familiar scenes along this beautiful valley and among its hospitable people.

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