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[251] on one occasion and said: ‘Conway, you lived in that section of the State, give me the names of different fords along the Rapidan river from Liberty Mills down to the Rappahannock.’ But before I could name them over, he commenced repeating their names, calling them as accurately as though he had the map laid out before him. His discussions were animating and enlivened by anecdotes. Those small sharp eyes would flash with enthusiasm and his face radiant with expressions of delight and ecstacy. He was a fine conversationalist. His language chaste and mingled with flashes of wit and humor. When on subjects of cruelty and inhumanity to our citizens in the valley by the Yankees, his language oftimes became more profane than sacred. He never indulged in extravagance, but was truthful and honest. General Robert E. Lee considered him one of his most staunch and trusted lieutenant-generals. His characteristics were those of a man of sternness and independence. One day, while in the valley, my regiment was on the march. We were on that famous turnpike road that runs from Harper's Ferry through the whole length of that beautiful valley of Virginia.

Our boys were unusually quiet, not even a song from those musically inclined. The day before Yankee barn-burners had been executed, and you would now and then hear in low tones of voice among the men, the remark: ‘Look out for retaliation by Sheridan.’ A little further on up the turnpike was met eight or ten brand new cannon, drawn by fresh horses. They came lumbering down the pike, urged on by the drivers. Our boys began to cheer, but being near the enemy we were called down. Just as we passed the last piece I noticed a large card had been tacked on the rear of the caisson, and on it the following, in big black letters: ‘To Sheridan in the care of Jubal Early.’ Early had been losing a good many pieces of artillery, and hence some wag had tacked on the card with the above inscription. On the 13th of June, soon after the Wilderness campaign, General Early had been made Lieutenant-General and placed in command of the Second Army Corps. On this date the corps left Gaines' Mill and marched towards the Blue Ridge to meet Hunter and Crook—Hunter came up the Shenandoah Valley with his command, and Crook came from the Kanawha by way of the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs. They made a junction at Staunton, Va. Hunter defeated a small number of Confederates under Imboden and Jones at Piedmont, a small town not far from Port Republic. The Federals made their appearance near Lynchburg on June 17th, thus menacing Lee's rear and also his bases of

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Philip Sheridan (2)
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Robert Edward Lee (1)
Robert E. Lee (1)
William E. Jones (1)
Imboden (1)
William B. Conway (1)
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