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[235] it should have been, would have been fruitful of much good to suffering humanity.

General Stephen D. Lee writes from Agricultural College, Miss., December 14, 1898:

I will forward to General Clement A. Evans, at Atlanta, the evidence you sent me of the humane policy of General Jackson in dealing liberally and humanely with surgeons, hospitals and wounded in war. I think the action of General Jackson will be a crowning honor to the treatment of prisoners, for which we have been so unjustly assailed.

General Clement A. Evans, of Atlanta, Ga., writes, October 20, 1898:

You have touched here a very important subject. Our claim that we were the most humane people who ever conducted a great war can be established by additional proof.

And also in the Confederate Military History, Atlanta, Ga., 1899, in his editorial remarks on pages 246-7, Vol. 3 (Virginia), he states:

It is noteworthy that after this battle of Winchester there was inaugurated a humanitarian movement in reference to surgeons left in charge of wounded prisoners that has since become the rule among civilized nations engaged in war.

The afore-recited incident at Winchester was a new departure, without parallel during the war, and when it is remembered that definite action was not finally taken by the Geneva Congress and the adoption of the Red Cross till twenty-six months afterwards, August 22, 1864, the credit and honor are due to our unsurpassed General of the Valley and his unsurpassed Medical Director, for the first practical putting in operation the humane convictions and propositions of M. Dunant and his colaborers, though it is possible, even probable, that they were then uninformed regarding that humane physician and his works. Their policy and action were indeed but the fruits of the civilization, the culture, the broad-mindedness and humanity, and the Christianity of the Southern people at that time.

References:U. S. Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Appendix Part I., Med. Vol., p. 118.
Medical and Surgical Journal of the Confederate States.

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